Chapter 28

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.Lexa's POV.

It felt like she had been walking around this mysterious place for hours. Her feet were moving but nothing was being accomplished. In reality, it had probably only been minutes. Maybe half an hour at most. Time was definitely elusive in this city.

Lexa had never felt so out of place and uncertain in her life, and it was a feeling that was difficult to accept. This was not how things were done on Earth, certainly not in her lands. She prided herself on always knowing what was going on with everyone and everything. If there was a problem, it was solved promptly or else someone paid for it. This looming threat made her people very efficient. But here, she had no control of anyone or anything. The people didn't even acknowledge that she existed, but she did want to keep it that way for now. She had no idea what these people were capable of.

"Sis ai au." Lexa pleaded to the sky, hoping her words would reach the Commanders' ears. Even one of them would be helpful...

Show me the way.

She cursed them in her mind for bringing her here and not letting her know why. What was the point of bringing her here? What was she supposed to do here? Her mind was beginning to wander with all of these unanswered questions, leaving the door open for other thoughts to pour in.


Her thoughts went to Clarke as they usually did. As hard as she tried, she could not stop herself from thinking about the girl from the Sky. She never could. She wondered how Clarke was doing. Was she able to help Raven? Were they currently coming up with a plan? Clarke was so good at plans. She always had to have one. And when it didn't go the right way, she had a hard time accepting it. It was as frustrating as it was adorable. But Lexa had to admit that with time, Clarke had become much better at adjusting to obstacles thrown her way. She really was changing as a leader...

Okay, Leksa, enough about Clarke.

Lexa looked up at the unwelcoming gray buildings surrounding her. They were so tall and drab. They all looked the same which made navigating the city extremely difficult.

Why would they do such a thing?

It was very unappealing to the eye, but then Lexa thought maybe it was a good thing that all of the structures looked the same.

It would surely confuse an enemy, or any outsiders.

Perhaps they were made this way for strategic purposes. She would have to keep this in mind back in Polis... Make it harder for certain people to know where the Commander resided. But then again, she wanted her people to know where she was. She wanted to let everyone know she was not afraid. That is why she resided in the tallest, most identifiable building in Polis. She dared someone to come for her.


Lexa was about to give up after concluding that she had made no progress when something caught her eye. Through the masses of people, one stood out. She stood a few inches taller than those around her, her hair flowing down her back in cascading waves. A few braids peeked through her thick locks and three larger ones ran down from her forehead, pulling her hair neatly away from her face, almost appearing like a crown. Lexa looked closer. If she wasn't sure before, the symbol painted onto the back of her cloak in stark contrast to the color of the cloak clarified her uncertainty.


As if sensing her presence, the figure turned around to face Lexa. The black paint over her eyes, creating an intimidating aura was unmistakable. Lexa's heart jumped.

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