Run & Gun...

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Justin's POV
BEEP ! BEEP ! BEEP ! My alarm screamed.. I reached over to turn it off almost falling out of the bed. I woke up this morning thinking about Jahari for some strange reason. Anyway, I get up and take a shower to start off my day. I washed my hair first and then finished the rest and when I stepped out after I finished my ex girlfriend called me. I answered and I knew this was going to be mannish. "Hey Justin, are you busy babe?" She Asked in her annoying flirt voice. "Actually, yes I am very busy. I'm helping someone move in next door today then going to lunch." I replied trying to keep from speaking my mind. Weeeelllll, how about you skip that and come over.... my parents aren't home and I need some company. "Ugh, look Steph I don't mean to sound rude but I would appreciate it if you leave me alone and stop throwing yourself at me." I reply while hanging the phone up in her face. I put my phone back on the charger and began to brush my teeth and blow dry my hair. I put on a long sleeve grey tight body shirt with dark blue jeans and my boots to help Jahari with her yard today. I grabbed my phone, keys, and my lawn mower. I figured I'd help her with everything since she doesn't use me and I like being around her. She has a positive vibe that I'm attracted to, and her smile can stop a man from breathing.... I hope today is good. I walk outside onto my porch and I see Jahari in a long sleeve body shirt as well and some blue jean overalls with John Deer boots. I guess we might have a few things in common.
"Hey Jahari." I say walking into her yard. "Hey there." She said waving and smiling. So what all are we going to do today? Umm, probably just finish the things in the house I'm pretty much done with the yard. Okay, you wanna get started now? Yeah sure, I haven't moved the couches and stuff yet do you wanna help me? Yeah, I'll be glad to help. "Okay, C'mon." She said walking into the house and grabbing her water.
"Bang! Bang! Bang!" We heard someone beating, pounding, almost breaking the door down. I hurried and grabbed Jahari's hand and ran her up stairs to her room. I closed the door behind us and locked it while she was getting something out of her drawer. I turned around and she pulled out a gun. It was a .38 Revolver Pistol and she quickly loaded it and pulled it back. She walked over to her closet and reached in the back of iT and grabbed a 12 Gaige Shotgun and grabbed a bunch of amo and loaded it then she gave it to me. She walked over and sat beside her bed not making a sound and begged me to get down as she started crying. "Who is that?" I asked her seeing that she felt afraid. "My stalker... he always seems to find out where I live. He's the reason I even have these guns, believe me I know how to use them." She said strongly with fear in her eyes. The banging suddenly Stopped and I pecked my head out of the room door to see if anyone was in the house. I slowly walked down the stairs and I seen the man get back in the car then speed off with smoke left in the air. I ran back up stairs to grab Jahari from beside the bed, and ran back down stairs, then looked out the door to make sure he was gone with the gun Still in my hand. While she was grabbing her keys and personal items I kept watching to see if the guy would come back. When she was finished I grabbed her hand ran her outside to the porch, locked her house, and ran her over to my house. After closing the door and locking it she sat down on the couch in the living room. She leaned over with her head in her hands crying and shaking her head. "Are you Okay Jahari?" I asked Walking over to her slowly with a bottle of water. "Yeah, I'm okay.... I just need time to get my head straight." She Said looking up with an unsure smile.
I knew she wasn't feeling okay, but I didn't want to pressure her into telling me so I just sat on the couch beside her and held her in my arms. I'd admit, it was really nice holding her.... she is different from most girls, and she's nice and sweet. I turn on some television and something that Girls normally watch, so I thought to myself for a while and soon turned to the cooking channel. The show cupcake wars was on and it got pretty interesting so I watched it as Jahari played with her thumbs, and hymned a tune to herself. "Justin?" She said looking up at me. "Yes?" I replied with a concerned look on my face. I'm sorry I put you through that and you should have nothing to do with me from this point on. "What? I feel as though I have everything to do with you now. I feel the need to protect you. I don't know what it is or if it's too early but I have major feelings for you and for some reason it's something different about you that I love. Jahari I know this isn't the right time but I'm not leaving you alone, especially, if things like that are happening to you." I said with a firm and serious voice. That's when her eyes widened and I felt no different from what I meant. "Justin, really it's none of your problem to be involved with that. I don't want to get You harmed or anything. I've been harmed, hurt, and talked about. I know how pain feels and I don't wish to put you through any of it." She said while picking her head up from my lap and getting off of the coach. I grabbed her with a tight grip.... "I'm letting you go and I'm not planning on letting you get hurt. Even if it means I have to sit on your porch and keep guard of your house I will." While walking her to the upstairs part of my house. I take her to the second room on the hall and I show her my two dogs. "This is Jase and Lady." I Say to her in a greeting tone. You have two K-9 dogs, and they haven't barked yet. They're trained and since you want to go home very badly take one of them with you. They are potty trained and they keep watched very good. "Since I've always wanted a dog I'll take you up on your offer." She said while kneeling down to let both of them. "So which one will you be taking?" I asked letting her decide which one she wanted. "I'll take Jase." She said practically running to his cage. The leash that's blue and black is Jase's and the collar thats All black is his also. "Thanks for letting me know because I'm pretty sure the pink one isn't." She said laughing and grabbing them. I put the collars and leashes on both dogs then I thought about it and said, "You know we never went on out lunch date?" "I'm so sorry I forgot. Do you wanna go somewhere tonight?" She Asked with a concerned look. No, we can just go some place tomorrow. It's too late Out to go anywhere tonight, and I know you need you rest. Can we have dinner here at your house? IF We do what are we gonna eat? "Whatever you feel like cooking, or something simple not too much." She said laughing a little bit.
Hmmm, well what about baked chicken, a roll, and some salad? "That Sounds wonderful, I just hope you know how to cook." She Said with a reassuring smile. Well I have you know that I own a restaurant down the street by the name of "Amour Fuego" it's "Love Fire" in Spanish. "Why would you give it that name? Has it actually caught on fire?" She said in a sarcastic and wowing tone. Ha funny, but no... we actually call it That because whatever the costumer orders we cook it right in front of them. "I'd love to see that one Day." She Said looking down. Well you should come with me to work tomorrow, or you can just work there if you want. Do you really feel like hiring someone? Well, we do need more cooks and waiters... the restaurant has been getting busy lately. Sounds like a deal. When Can I start? Tomorrow or as soon as possible. "Great, that you so much Justin." She said shaking my hand and smiling. Well I'm done eating and so are you so I think I'll go home now. "Okay wait, lemme get Jase's things for you." I said getting up from the table. Here you go, that's his food, doggy pads, and his water and food bowl. "Why is a fully grown dog using puppy pads?" She Asked a little confused. "Well, you don't have a doggy door like I do so that's why he needs them. Make sure to put it by the front door." I said replying and answering her next question. Would you like me to walk you home? Yes please, I'm still a little shook, and where is the gun I gave you. In my hand and ready to walk you back home with to make we get there safely. She chuckled and we began walking out of the door, but don't worry I made sure to run back and get Lady. JaHari unlocked her door as she was looking and the foot print marks on her door from earlier, and when we got inside she put her belongings in her room and took Jase's collar and leash off and hung them on the dresser. "Here's your gun  don't hurt yourself." I say reaching it back so her and putting the safety on. "Thanks for being there for me when you could have left me." She said while hugging me. Your welcome I said hugging back. When I left she was getting in the shower and I thought that I should take one as well. After my shower I got out dried off, blew dry my hair after putting moisturizer in it, and slipping on my Calvin Klein boxers. I put my phone on the charger, and grabbed one of my white T-Shirts. While putting it on I looked out the window thinking about Jahari, when I looked outside for just about five minutes she turned her lights off. "Welp, I guess I should be sleeping too." I said walking across the room and then laying down in my bed. I turned off the lights and my head hit the pillow, and before I knew it I was similar to the light...... knocked out.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2017 ⏰

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