Babysitting the Generation of Miracles (oneshot)

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It wasn't easy babysitting. Nobody said it was. But really, a certain sixteen year old coming home one day to find the whole Generation of Miracles being toddlers? That's really unusual. And especially when each of them is getting out of control. He would need the help of any hand he could get.

WARNING: OC APPEARANCE AND POSSIBLE OOCs. I added a character of my own here ^-^


Also, this oneshot is sort of based from kurokonotext, I kinda just manipulated this x)



"Hey, have you seen Kuroko?" Kagami asked a random classmate the same question for the umpteenth time, his body moving around vigorously to search for the blue haired male. When an expected "no" came in as a reply, he grunted before muttering a quick "thanks", walking out of the school grounds.

He walked home silently, sulking, or grunting as he would call it. Kuroko had agreed to accompany him to Maji Burger for a meal, and apparently hang around his apartment after that until the sun goes down. He would either then contemplate on having a sleepover, depending on whether tomorrow is a school day or not. Though, Kuroko has hung around one too many times that he'd left some spare clothes in Kagami's apartment so that he wouldn't be wearing Kagami's shirt.

It had happened once, and it took all of Kagami's willpower not to admit that he looked utterly moe in his oversized t-shirt.

But then, Kuroko never came to school today.

Kagami groaned, feeling a pang of hurt to his chest. At first Kagami thought about Kuroko using his misdirection on Kagami, but really, no one ever saw him.

It wasn't as if that wasn't new, but he was even absent for all of the classes and practice! It wasn't like him!

All in all, he was completely upset at Kuroko for ditching him then and there at the beginning. Well, Kuroko could've at least told him, it would at least made him feel better but nooooo. He just had to be absent and not tell him beforehand.

Heck, yesterday night they even planned out and agreed on what they could do in this afternoon.

"Aaargh stupid Kuroko! Stupid Kuroko and his stupid misdirection and stupid promiー" he swung open his front door in anger and froze immediately on the spot, taking in but not believing the sight in front of him. "Seeing is believing" is the quote that could really apply to his situation right now, but he just couldn't make himself to.

Five particular children was playing thrashing his apartment. And they all had that specific colored hair and eyes the same as...

No way.

No. Freaking. Way.

There's no way that the Generation of Miracles became freaking toddlers! And thrashing his home at that! He didn't even knew that there were actual baby toys in his apartment!

He quickly took off his shoes, locking the door behind him. He scrutinised them one by one, taking in their appearances and their doings. Yep, it's them, without a doubt. Kise, Aomine, Midorima, Murasakibara and Akashi. One question was certainly bugging the heck out of his mind: How?

Though, all the thinking might have to wait for an ear piercing scream pierce through the laughters and sounds the toddlers were making, immediately silencing them all and making him wince. Kise was bawling, his tiny clenched fists hitting the wooden floor.

Turns out that Akashi had been playing a toy airplane, which he purposefully knocked down the block tower Kise had been making. Apparently, Kise had been building it wholeheartedly to show it to them all, but now it's futile.

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