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I am allowed to do this tag. This tag requires me to follow instructions and tell thirteen facts about myself.

1) I am the last prime
2) I am red and blue
3) I transform into a truck
4) I lead the autobots
5) Sentinel Prime was once my mentor
6) even though I have made enemies I hold nothing against them. But this some anger that will not go away
7) the main weapons I carry are a sword and shield along with a weapon built into my arm
8) Samuel Witwickey is the first human we interacted with upon our arrival to Earth
9) I mourn the loss of every autobot that passed even if I didn't know them well enough
10) I use to be named Orion Pax
11) I use to consider Megatron my brother
12) I once had a sparkling of my own but was lost in the war.
13) I've turned Cybertron into a dead planet during the war leaving us with no choice, but to abandon our home.

I shall tag no one. For this is the end of all the time I have for today. Farewell.

This, is optimus prime, and this is a message for you allWhere stories live. Discover now