Headaches and Tears

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Chapter 2: Headaches and Tears

Yumoto sighed as he sat in his seat for class, he rubbed at his eyes again, he was still upset over what had happened the day before.

Wombat looked at him, "Yumoto-kun, are you alright?"

Yumoto looked away, "No...I want to go home." Wombat nuzzled him, "It's okay."

The first year sighed as a few of his classmates walked in talking.

"Did you hear?" One asked and the other replied, "What?"
"On Saturday night, two second years, Zaou Ryuu and Naruko Io went missing!"

"Yeah! They were with Hakone Yumoto and his seniors at the VEPPer Twins concert, when they disappeared."

"No way. Oh!" They gasped as they saw Yumoto and their conversation quieted.

Yumoto looked away and one walked to him, "So Hakone-kun, where did your friends go?"

Yumoto bit his lip, "I'm not sure..." he lied and looked down at his desk. As he did this, the teacher walked in and the conversation was dropped.

After class, Yumoto quickly left the room and saw the Student Council. "Good afternoon, Yumoto-kun." Ibushi smiled and Yumoto looked down. "Good afternoon Ibu-chan-senpai."

"At-chan told us what happened..." Kinshiro spoke sadly, "He doesn't want you walking alone."

Akoya sighed as he messed with his hair nervously, "What...what if something happens to all of us, like Zaou-kun and Naruko-kun...?"

Kinshiro shook his head, "No, we won't allow that to happen."
Ibushi nodded, "Yes, we can stop the twins before they can get anyone else."

"Fluffhead...I'm...I'm sorry we weren't there to help you guys out."
"No...they did that on purpose, they gave us tickets...only enough for us. Atsushi-senpai talked about bringing you but..." he trailed off and Kinshiro shook his head, "I see...they deliberately gave you the tickets to attack you."

Yumoto nodded and Akoya growled, "Could this be another dirty trick by the VEPPer to get his brother?"

Yumoto froze, "H-huh?"

Ibushi sighed, "I hope not..."

Yumoto looked up as he saw the Beppu brothers walking by him.
Haruhiko clutched his hand into a fist and smirked as Yumoto clutched at his head.

"Yumoto-kun?" Kinshiro asked, "Are you alright?"
Yumoto shook his head as pain filled it, "Y-yeah! I'm fine."

Akoya jumped as Kinshiro raised his voice, "Get away from him!" He pulled the youngest to the side and Haruhiko laughed.

The Student Council glared at them as Akihiko asked, "What happened to us being good friends?"

Akoya growled, "You both know why!"
Haruhiko smirked and Yumoto looked at them and pleaded with them, "Please give Io and Ryuu-senpai back!"

Haruhiko rolled his eyes and Kinshiro looked at them, "Take him to At-chan, as the president it's my job to make sure each student here is safe."

Yumoto looked at Kinshiro with wide eyes as Ibushi and Akoya grabbed him and walked with him to the clubroom.

Akihiko glared at Kinshiro, "How bold of you."

"Yeah, standing up for that idiot." Haruhiko added and Kinshiro looked at them, "You two better not cause any more trouble. You two deceived him and you took two of his only friends." With that, he turned on his heel and left.

Haruhiko clutched a hand into a fist, "Damn that Aurite, we didn't have friends for the longest time! He acts as if Hakone Yumoto is so damn special!"

Akihiko placed a hand on Haruhiko's shoulder, "Don't fret my dear Haru. We need our next victim." He whispered, "We aren't getting a Battle Lover today...let them think they have a victory today, but tomorrow, they won't be so lucky."

Haruhiko smirked, "Good idea Aki...maybe we can even get Hakone Yumoto..."


Yumoto frowned as Atsushi made him sit in a chair, "They still won't give Io and Ryuu back to us!" He cried and Atsushi sighed, "We're going to have to fight the VEPPer for them."

En sighed and Yumoto turned to him, "I can't lose anyone else though! Losing those two was hard enough!"

Atsushi looked down, "We know, Yumoto and we won't let ourselves be hurt either."

Yumoto questioned, "Why did the brothers betray us?"
The two third years looked at each other and En asked, "What were those things they took?"

Wombat sighed, "Those are Love Crystals, only those who fight in the name of love have one. You have one Yumoto, but another student in your class would have one that wasn't true. It would just be ignored, but yours...yours has power."

He looked at him, "If they take a true love crystal, then the holder dies...they can only come back if you get them away from the hands of evil."

Yumoto frowned, "So they want power?"

Wombat nodded, "Yes, that's exactly what they want. You are all in danger..."

Atsushi sighed and En looked at Wombat, "This is a damn pain in the ass."

Yumoto looked down at his wrist as his bracelet buzzed.

Melty Luna smirked as their victim student screamed as their Love Crystal became exposed. "Well darn." He spoke, "I knew it wasn't a true one."

Salty Sol turned to their monster, "Ramen Monster, keep that crystal safe."

The crystal was handed to the Ramen Monster and the VEPPer teleported away.

"Stop right there, Ramen Monster!" Scarlet yelled and the Ramen Monster turned to Scarlet.

"Battle Lovers..." It hissed and Scarlet held onto his love stick, "Give Vesta and Sulfur back!"

The monster scoffed and Cerulean growled, "They won't and you know it."
Epinard glared at Cerulean, "Stop it, don't begin to argue with him!"

Scarlet rolled his eyes, "Whatever let's just get done with this! I have to get back to class!"

He pointed his love stick at the monster, "Scarlet Love Lumiere!"

The Ramen Monster screamed as it was hit and Scarlet sighed as it basically didn't stand a chance when the other two helped him out.

As it disappeared, a regular Love Crystal floated and Scarlet gave it back to the student, before the student woke up, the three Battle Lovers were already gone.


"What a failure, Aki. We could have gotten Hakone Yumoto's crystal." Salty Sol hissed and Melty Luna winked at his twin, "I have a plan to get his. Our Beppu Apes will make this much easier."

Salty Sol smiled and looked down, "I say we just plant a trap in his classroom, we could easily make them all give up their crystals in one sweep."

His brother turned to him, "That's a great idea...so let's do it."

"But it can't be triggered until he gets into the room!"
"Of course, Aki. Dadacha, can you get on that?"


The Loss of LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora