First experiences

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I step out of my car, closing the door with a loud bang behind me. I let out a loud sigh as I grab my keys and fidget with them at the door. "Fuck.." I grumble and look at my slightly bent key, knocking abruptly with an annoyed tap down my foot.
Loud foot steps thrum across the wooden floor of the house from the inside. The door is unlocked and pulled open all in a matter of 3 seconds as I stand there looking at my gorgeous freak. His blue eyes piercing me as his broad chest rises and falls with eager anticipation.

"Well hello.." he grumbles, his husky voice sending my sore body quivering.

"Glad you showed up, wanna come in?" He raises a brow and steps aside, allowing me room to enter. I brush past his bare body and notice shyly that he is only wearing a towel. "Of course.." I mutter as my mind skitters to a dark space. It would be nice to feel that hard body against me.. I bite my lip and glance over at him, making sharp eye contact.

"Do you have a bathroom..?" I whisper breathlessly as I try to pull my mind together.

"Yea, end of the hall, take the last right." He smirks and pours himself a glass of expensive looking wine.

I giggle softly and walk down the hallway. I open a black door, my brows furrowed in slight confusion as to why this specific door was black. I peek inside and my body goes cold.
A large black bed sits in the nearest corner, beside it a shelf touching the roof is stacked high with different and odd looking objects of which I have never seen. My jaw drops as I look around at the soft carpet, the black shelves and large drawer set near the wall.

I hear a loud grunt from behind and I launch back quickly, slamming the door closed. "Ahh!! Fuck!! Uhm.. I'm sorry.. I.." I stutter over my words, trying to find an explanation when he places a long, slender finger over my small lips. "It's fine, baby girl.. go inside." A sly smile spreads across his face as I brighten to a deep red, I open the door and step inside.
  Walking inside, a deep smell resembling dark wood flushes over me. I look at the intricate artwork on the ceiling, the black rope hanging down in one corner. What is this..? My body quivers as the air is slightly cool in here.

"I've always wanted you in here.." I hear him growl in my ear softly, my lips parting ever so slightly with a light sigh. This is all new. I don't know how to respond. I slowly turn to him. "What is it..? What's the point of this room?" I bite my lip and glare at the hand cuffs sitting on the bed beside a silver chain leash.

"Let me show you, kitten." His eyes soften as he reaches behind me, slowly stroking my behind. "Do you trust me..?" His eyebrows rise with this beautiful question expression.
  I hesitate only momentarily, considering I don't know anything about this. "Yes." I whisper and step close to his body, my breasts against his naked upper half.
  He growls and grabs a lock of my hair.

"Be a good kitten.. are you gonna be a good kitten for daddy?"

  My heart rate quickens by a mile as I nod, my lips swelling slightly as his thumb rubs gently. "Suck on daddy's fingers.. show me how you want to please daddy, you want to please him, right?" His face remains serious as I gasp, his words striking my core. "Yes daddy.. I want to please you." I take his thumb between my lips and suck gently as I let it glide to the back of my mouth. 

  He groans deep in his throat as he quickly pulls his thumb out of my grasp. "Stay." He walks behind me and I dare not turn to see what he grabs. I close my eyes and focus on the sounds. A slight jiggling noise like metal. I hear his slight grunt as he picks up something heavy.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2017 ⏰

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