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Caught in a lie
Find me when I was pure
I can't be free from this lie
Give me back my smile

How long had it been since he had seen the sun rise over the horizon? Weeks, months, years. The only thing he knew was that he wasn't the same person he was before, but everybody still treated him the same way.

Was what he did so bad that he had to be stuck here? Cracking her bones with his bare hands, freeing her sins from her body, letting out the inner demons that were telling him to do it. Was all of that really that bad?

White surrounded him. The fluorescent lights glinting off the walls and falling into the abyss that were his eyes. Being absorbed by something so beautiful. He remembered when he was little, how he used to get compliments for being so handsome.

Nobody gave him compliments these days. The only words that left their lips were words of distaste and disgust as they looked at his pale and fragile body. They were scared of what he was. They couldn't handle the truth, that he was just doing what all of them were to scared to. That he was cleansing the world.


Quietly he heard her, the way her voice cracked on the last syllable of his name. The way she had begged him to stop.


He knew why. He knew the reasons behind his actions. Because she had been ruined. She had become dirty, and he had to right her wrongs. He loved her, he had only done it to protect her. And somehow nobody understood that. The sins that let loose from her lungs were the reasons he did it.

If nobody else was going to save her he would.

Because he loved her.

That's what love was, right? That's what you were supposed to do? Protect each other. So why was it nobody understood that. Why couldn't they realize he had saved her.

His eyes were locked on the door, waiting for the day she would come back to him, waiting for the day when she would walk through the door and tell him she understood.

Jimin took a deep breath before settling back against the wall. He would wait until then. Even if it meant forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2017 ⏰

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