~Prologue~What Does Any of it Matter?

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It was getting hard again, hard to keep looking after his sick mother and know that any day could be her last. So just like every other time when it got really hard he was out in the mountains near the town's gold mine. They were his place of solitude. His own little world far away from the fear at home. The fear of losing his mom. She was all he had left. He had no one in this miserable town but her, he couldn't lose her.

He wasn't hiking long before he heard it, the soft sniffling of someone either crying or just finishing up their crying session. It wasn't hard for him to recognize the noise. It was a noise he was very familiar with. He followed the noise trying to pin point its source when he found her. Angel Grove's resident demon. She was curled in on herself, knees to her chest, and head leaning on them a dog nestled up beside her resting its head on her back and nuzzling its head into her hair which fell like curtains over her face, its bubblegum pink color standing out against the backdrop of trees, rocks, and bushes. He of course recognized her just like everyone else in town would, but unlike the rest of the town he was probably the only one who would stop and care about what was happening to the girl. After all he was probably one of the only ones who didn't believe everything the adults told the town.

She'd been deemed a screw up and failure a long time ago back when she was still a freshman in Angel Grove High School. She was the school bully and town delinquent. She was that one girl in town that everyone knew was bad news and trouble. The one who would be voted most likely to get herself killed or thrown in jail before she's 25 in the high school superlatives if she ever even attended the school anymore. The whole town had turned against her and most had taken to calling her demon spawn, devil spawn, or the nicer ones referred to her as the Devil's Wife as if believing that she'd been dragged down and stuck in thus role, this situation, made any of this better. He sometimes wondered if they realized that what they did to her was bullying too. Most of what they said was lies and he knew it, sure she really had been the school bully but she definitely hadn't come straight from hell, anyone who remembered the girl she used to be knew that. She used to be the town's angel, but some angels are destined to fall and she just happened to be one of them.

"Hey, are you ok?" He asked walking closer and kneeling beside her. He could still here the sniffling coming from her. Though whatever crying she had been doing had ended.

"What the hell do you want?" She questioned angrily not even bothering to lift her head. "You here to call me names, bog me down, tell me I'm the worst human on the planet? Hmm? Cause if you are you can spare me the lecture. I've heard it all before." She spoke soon after still not lifting her head. That was when the sobbing had started up.

She'd been up there for hours now, just crying and breaking. She'd been trying to run from the town and it's inhabitants and yet here one was. She just couldn't escape. She had just started to finally stop crying when he'd come along and she knew she never should have opened her mouth but she made the mistake and now she was sobbing once again. Life had just gotten to be too much. With everything going on in her life and the town and her mother being so against her it had all just gotten to be too much for her to handle. So she'd come up here and she hadn't left for hours. She didn't even know if she ever would leave.

It was a few minutes after she'd started sobbing again that she felt arms wrap around her gently. She knew it was probably the guy who'd just been there and that she didn't even really know him other than he was a dude but she couldn't stop herself from leaning into his embrace and opening up a little bit from her ball to turn in to face him and gripping his shirt tightly whilst sobbing into his shoulder. He pulled her a little closer to him to make her position a little more comfortable and because he could tell she needed it. Neither moved or said anything for a long while but when they finally pulled apart and the tears stopped he didn't leave. When she was done crying she had definitely expected him to run off and avoid her but instead he had just hugged sat there before asking a simple question. "Whats your name?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2017 ⏰

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