Chapter 4. His Return

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Harley slumped against the wall, unsure of what to do. They placed him in the cell across from hers. Luckily he hadn't noticed who it was. Harley was hesitant to see him, but at the same time all of her feelings for him came back to the surface. It was almost time for lunch and to socialize in the dining hall. Harley started getting more and more nervous as time passed. Then it was time, luckily the men got taken out before the women did, so she could avoid passing him by him this time.

Her heard started pounding rapidly as she stepped out of her cell and was escorted into the dining hall. And there he was, already seated, alone. And of course, laughing. Harley kept her cool and walked over to Ivy. If the situation were different, Harley would have ran straight into his arms, but because of everything that had happened between them, she wasn't sure if she should. She knew he would simply forget and try to seduce her again, but it wasn't something she could just forget about overnight, or in the case over the summer.

''Harley!'' Ivy exclaimed, cheerfully. ''I thought for sure you'd go to him.'' She said.

Ivy didn't know. Obviously. ''I can't.'' Harley said.

Ivy raised a brow, confused. ''Why not?'' She asked. ''What has he done this time?'' Ivy asked.

''It wasn't him. I mean it was, but it wasn't. It's complicated, Ivy. I can't talk about it right now.'' Harley said, looking completely exhausted.

''Did you sleep at all last night?'' Ivy questioned, noticing the dark circles around her eyes.

''Of course not and I won't be able to with him back.'' She said.


It was late that night and of course, Harley couldn't sleep. She just laid there staring at the ceiling. The Joker didn't acknowledge her presence at all that afternoon in the dining hall. Ivy said he didn't even look in her direction once, which surprised her. Maybe he couldn't forget about what had happened either?

Harley sighed in annoyance, tired of just lying there, trapped in her thoughts. She got up and looked through the slot in the door, her hands held tightly on the bars. She noticed a guard outside of his door, just standing there with a machete, prepared for when he does try to make a move. It won't matter though, the Joker has escaped more times then she could count and it doesn't matter what weapons they have, every time he outwits them.

Harley turned around and made her way to her bed and that night she dreamed of the worst night of her life. The night she can't forget.

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