it begins

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It was only two weeks before the start of my new school year. Me and my brother were in our dads arms letting tears slide down our cheeks as he said to us " give me lots of hugs and kisses because its gonna be along time till i see u again" At this stage he was in tears, I didnt understand what he meant by them words but i didnt want to let go of him. He got in the car and waved us one last good bye as he headed back to another worthless week at his work. I waved good bye with tears on my cheeks. The next few days were me, my brother and my mum packing to move up with my nanny and start a new life. After them days we shared hugs, kisses and tears as we bead my big  sister good bye and got in the car for our long journey ahead. We drove and drove as i sat in the back seat and stared out the window for most of the drive, every now and then thinking of apast memory and letting a single tear free. I leant against the window watching as trees wizzed past. It hurt like hell, i had just said bye to my dad, then i was kissing my sister on the cheek and leaving in the car watching as the only home i knew was out of sight. I was in deep pain, leaving everything i loved and cared about all behind and one of the worst parts were i never got to say good bye to my friends, the people that stuck by my side when everything was going wrong and now they didnt even know that i had left. Really i was scared, i didnt want to have to say that i wasnt there anymore. My brother ,kurt and my mum were in the front singing to songs while i was moping on the inside ignoring the music. All i could think about was all the memories and smiles we shared as a family. After many hours of driving we made it to cairns and slept the night at our aunts. In the morning we were off to the airport and in a plane to our so called new home. I watched out the window as we flew in the sky. When we had landed at our destination we were greeted by my grandma with a shower of hugs. We jumped in the car and drove back to her house and were welcomed by my grandad and uncles. I was happy that i got to see them but i knew that no matter how hard I try I would never escape the pain. My grandparents house was our new home. I was exhausted from all the moving around so i crashed early. Waking up the next morning, i was greeted by my family.... well half a family. We ate breakfast outside, chatting about our drive and things like that. I joined in every couple times saying a few things but most of the time i sat back eating, watching people talk or zoning out into the depths of my own mind. The pain still lingered inside. Every thought that had popped into my head was either about the subject we were on or past memories.... you all may think that it wasnt that bad but after loosing my dad, sister, friends and the home I only ever knew, it seemed as if nothing could make it worse. Just you wait and see.

This is my first chapter so i hope you enjoy.
Next chapter will be up as soon as possible                                                                          617 words.

the hurt in my heartWhere stories live. Discover now