Chapter 14 Augustus

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A crackling bonfire rages in the middle of my makeshift camp, the birch bark popping as it ignites. Three impaled pigeons roast on the right, two skinned rabbits on the left. I'm drooling at the mouth, just thinking of devouring my well earned meal. Tonight, I feast.

Finding this campsite was a stroke of pure luck. It's a secluded spot, right uphill from a stream. To either side, splendid hickory trees provide adequate shelter from both wind and rain, with roots hopefully deep enough to survive a mudslide. The tent I brought sits at the highest point with the fire-pit on the slope. My car is nowhere in sight. I left it at a gas station miles away, with the clerks aware of the perils a single scratch would bring. The smoke from the fire keeps away all bugs, and fills the air with my favourite scent.

For the first night, I'm doing far better than imagined.

The illusion of tranquilly is brought to a swift end, a single twig snaps behind me. Diving through the fire, I unsheathe​ my hunting knife and spin around in a single action. No idea what was behind me, but I imagine the worst case scenario. A grizzly.

Taking a grizzly bear head on would be idiotic. They're smart and strong, they aren't slow, but most importantly, they're often followed by wolves. If I take even a single hit from the grizzly, assuming I'm still alive, the wolves would kill me. No, I have to play this smart.

With any luck, putting the fire in between us might stop the attack. If it doesn't, I can use the fire as a barrier. My meal might serve as a distraction. The smoke could blind it. Plenty of options.

A single shot splinters the tree behind me, sending shards flying everywhere. Oh thank God, it's only humans. On the other hand, I have a sudden craving for bear.

A man with a rifle emerges from the bush. But not from were I was, implying there are more. He has broad shoulders and dark skin, clearly he likes being outside. He looks to be of aboriginal descent, yet something just feels off. He has his barrel pointed at me, but his trigger finger is lax. 

"That was a warning shot. This is Aboriginal land, you aren't welcome here."

Pff. Of course. Should've known this was protected land. "Would you happen to be part of Chieftain Ingram's tribe?"

His eyes widen, then narrow. "We are. What of it?"

"He owes me a favour. Tell him 'Augustus has come to collect.' "

They bind my hands before we begin our trek through the woods. There are five total, each armed with a rifle. One leads the way, while two others watch me from behind. Two were sent ahead to inform the chieftain. Other than the one in front, the one who fired his gun, they're green.

"So how do you know him?" Comes a voice from behind.

"I gave him the 'herbs' your tribe uses. Still do. In fact, I know the true nature of your tribe."

"Oh." The hostility in that one word, revealed just how much they don't want outsiders knowing their secret.

Not a single one of them is more than an eighth aboriginal. Even then, none of their culture was passed down, they know as much about their own traditions as an elementary student reading it out of a textbook. They're just banking off of their heredity genes. Nothing special about any of them. The only respectable thing that comes to mind, Gerard claims they're taking every tax break they can. Must be doing something right to get that accountant's attention.

"Quiet." Commands the one in front. "The chieftain will sort this out."

Not a single word is uttered for the rest of the hike.

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