All's fine

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(Merdona picks her ringing phone from an unknown caller).....

Caller : "Mer.... Merdona?"

Merdona : "Yeah. Who is this? How do you know my​ name?"

Caller : "Wait. I'm there already"

Time ago - Mer started writing

Stuck up in this enormous world am I, with people speaking philosophy, 'No act of kindness, no matter how small is ever wasted - Aesop', and never act accordingly. It is just an eye-wash. Award winning actors and actresses are far spread in all four directions, I ever know. I go with Shakespeare's​ comparison of the world to be a stage and people to be the characters, but what we actually miss is that, what​ happens off stage. We don't care about those back screen issues.

Everything was like a fairytale, time ago. It was Alisa Gleason who made it up for me. We shared a harmonious bond with each other​ on all circumstances. Our friendship is immortal, like to infinity and back. She was everything to me - friend, sister, neighbour, second mother, Monalisa, advicer​ and my spiritual teacher who wanted me to trust God, no matter what.

One​ Saturday, Alisa came running to me and asked, "Mer, What did you talk? Did he say those magical words? What else did he tell? Answer me, answer me". Then I said, "Where is he? Did you see him?". She said, "What? I told you Mer, he is near the old basketball court". " know​.....are you sure? Zen likes me" I asked. She said, "Of course l am. I can make that out from his blue eyes Mer. Go talk to him". I said, "Fine" and left to the court.

At the court

Me : Hey?

Zen : Hey!

Me : So, you play basketball?

Zen : Yep, also basketball. You wanna try?

Me : Yeah. Why not?

Zen : Ok, come on here​. Hold the ball and aim to the square near the ring.

Me : Okay.

Zen : Wow! Shot at the first time, it's amazing....... This is not your first time, is it? Your style is awesome.

Me : It's not the first time, yeah. I played it last in my 6th grade.

Zen : So much after five years, is definitely appreciable.

Me : Hmmm. Thanks.

Zen : So how about playing an, one on one.

Me : That works for me.

Zen : Yeah?

Me : Yeah.

"1,2,3, and we start" said Zen, and added, "You have to fasten up your feet". "Yeah. I will" l answered. The ball was bounced and bounced by either of us. We twisted and swirled together. Zen shooted the ball and turned, when suddenly I felt his breath near my carotid artery. Closer he pulled me, hasten​ was the throb of my heart with lub and dup sounds. His right hand was around my waist and his left hand a long way below it. He bent forward and whispered, "How about another game?". "You want another game? Seriously" I asked. Saying, "No, but I want this seriously", he tightened his hands​, pressed my lip with his, and stayed. When he moved after what he wanted, I saw his blue eyes gazing mine. He said, "I think I'm falling for you" and left the place.

"Miss. Alisa Gleason, how is that you're always correct" I asked. She answered, "That is called observation Mer, ob-ser-va-tion. You haven't heard of the story, have you?". "Nope. What story?" I asked. She said, "Let me tell you" and started saying, "Once was a guide​ and his five students. The guide said that he'll say 3 rules for the students to follow. Firstly​, he said that the students must be less reactive to anything​ they see in his class. Secondly, saying that they should do whatever he says, he took the to a dark room where a killed dog was found on the table. It looked horrible. He opened the dog's mouth, left his fingers inside, took them out and licked it". "What?" I shouted. She continued saying, " Exactly. But the students did not react much in accordance with the first rule. Then the guide asked them to do what he did. They were not willing at first, but as the second rule suggested them to obey, they did not have other options and did the same - touching and licking, one after one. The guide then said that the third rule was to observe and​ let them know that he inserted his middle finger and licked​ his index finger, asking them what they did. Dot, end of story". I said, "I understand. So you're following the third rule in the three-fold path of the nameless guide. Right?". "Right. So, I am observing you​ and Zen from day one, which was when you slipped into his hands" she said. Maybe she was correct, everything between us started that day.

Alisa wanted to meet my grandmother later that day and so we were leaving to my house. Me, grams and Alisa were always close. Grams used to tell stories of her time and even about her unforgettable love experiences​. That day grams said the way she meet grandpa and how much she was attracted to his eyes. All night we heard her utter.

On a dusk of a winter moon as I wandered alone, I found a man dragging a girl who wasn't more than fifteen of age. I ensued behind him into the wilderness. The girl looked terrific​ all bruised and battered like a parchment. The man beat her over and over and over again. But the girl did not seemed to cry. She had all her attitude and a high pitched voice though she screamed at times when the man hit her. The place was full of trees on all sides that no one would hear her. Not a soul would go near these places, not even at day. It appeared to be a place like crypt with a few tombs. I approached further, until when I realised the sound of the girl stopping all of a sudden. The girl slowly turned her head to my side. I was shivering and did not know what to do. A hand that was expeditious covered my mouth and pulled me down. It was Thomson, the leader of the school sports club. I was amazed seeing him there as he was on of the personalities I admire from afar, who doesn't speak much unlike me. He quickly took me to a place a bit safer to the​ old one I was standing.

I said him, "What was that? We have to save her". He questioned again, "What are you doing here?" and continued saying, "This place, it's dangerous. Leave". I told him I wanted to know what was going on and who that girl was as he looked like a person who knew what was happening. He said, "Knowing everything is not always good. You don't have to know this". All over again I heard​the girl screaming and this time more louder. Thomson said, "Turn to your right and move". At that moment even difference of right and left was hard. I exactly turned left and sensed the girl standing in front of me. My eyes widened and I stumbled two steps back, seeing the girl with open wounds - blood oozing out.

She came closer and agressively said, "Your ship will drown, but you will survive. It is your fate" and laughed wickedly​, aloud. The man dragged her along the trail, taking her out of my site. Thomson genuinely asked me if I was fine. He said, "I don't know if you believe, but the girl has an evil vigor resting within her. Were you afraid?". After I retorted yes, I saw Zen arriving. Thomson and Zen were good friends and it seemed that Thomson rang him up. I held Zen's hand and turned to leave with him. Thomson said, "Be careful. The girl's​ spirit is a fortune teller. It judges a person's future when they are scared. I don't know if you believe, but I have to tell, just be careful". His words ran into my mind on every blink. I stayed at Alisa's​ house that day. I said everything to her. She knew I was scared and gave me a gentle dab and said, "Everything will be fine". That was more than enough to calm me down.

I never believed​ in spirits prior to that date. When I was in my fourth grade, I actually wanted to be a psychoanalyst, which tells that there are no spirits​ and all actions are done by the lose of control of brain. I did believe it after I saw an American movie where Aliens say they can control metals just because they use their brains to and that as we know, Enistein says he used only 4% of his brain and all that. So it was hard to accept that all I've been thinking for years were wrong when the truth is that ethereal beings do exist in the same world of ours. Alisa​ helped me to overcome all these thoughts. When I said her all these I found her feeling the same way I did, that proved good to me. I didn't know if anything will happen but I just trusted God as Alisa did so.

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