Chapter 2

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Hey, by the way, there is a possibility that I won't continue this tory because I don't like 1D anymore (ROCK BANDS FRICK YA!) . But your comments made me try to write this chapter, so keep commenting for updates!! This is one of the shortest chapters ever but please comment for an update.

"Do you have a disorder?"

"What?! No, why do you ask?" I looked at him.

"Because, your always sneaking around behind everyone's back, you never want to spend time with your own band!" there was a new note in Louis' yell. Anger replaced sympathy. The texture and tone grew rougher. The depth his voice gets makes you feel like the size of an ant, crawling around, just to find out your home was crushed.

"Wow, good one Tommo, you make it sound like I'm a cat that's sneaking around and doesn't want to be around you. I'm not your pet!" I yelled. That, never went away, my temper. Because I was taught to be ruthless, for two months. It became my instinct. E.R remolded my clay of being, and I couldn't go back.

"That's not what I meant, I-"

"But you were implying for sure!" By now, the other boys had filtered into the room.

"Whats going on?" Liam asked.

"Isn't this what you wanted to ask him, why he's been sneaking around?" He shoved his thumb toward me, looking Liam in the eyes.

"Oh yeah. Niall, please were worried." he used sympathy with his voice.

"I'm not doing anything, I swear" I lied through my teeth.

"Whatever" Zayn walked away, grunting the word under his breath.

"You remember back to six months ago? Remember the notes I wrote you guys? I did cherish those moments, that wasn't a lie. And the hate did really get to me, the only lie in that is it wasn't from the fans, it was from you guys. The little things you did that you thought were 'teasing' hurt me emotionally." I ended, tears spilling down my reddened eyes.

"Whatever, liar" Harry and the others turned their backs to me and walked out.

"But E-" I was cut off.

"See you."

I was boiling. Their ego caught up with them. I marched right in front of them, and told them my mind.

"I don't even like being in your band! You guys just push me around. I quit, the last thing I want is to be the victim of this!" My chest puffed up and down.

"OK, see you later...or never" and just like that, they walked stright out of my life.

"So...hi again Niall" came from behind me in a hissing sound.

Cross My Heart, Cross My Fingers [Punk'd Sequel]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن