Chapter 21

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Long time no see everyone. Let's jump right in.
Wendy crouched in the corner, staring at the ground. Across the cell, Romeo was still trying to push and pull any loose stone.

The tension in the room was heavy.

They haven't spoken to each other since Wendy's outburst. The only noise in the otherwise silent room was stone crumbling from Romeo's touch.

"Damn are we gonna get out of here?"

Wendy glanced at him but said nothing. Romeo didn't comment on her lack of speech. Instead, he focused back on the cell wall, cursing under his breath.




The two tensed as footsteps came closer. Romeo's anger flared when Noro stopped outside their cell.

"Hey friends."

Wendy and Romeo only glared at him. He sighed but shrugged his shoulders.

"Well it's time to get out, chop chop."

He snapped his fingers and suddenly their hands were cuffed around their wrists. Noro then unlocked the door, opening the cell. Both made no effort to escape. Noro most definitely wouldn't let them go so easily.

"We don't have all day. Erai wants you to see." Noro said, leading them down the corridor.

"See what?" Wendy asked.

Noro paused.

"The extraction."

The two looked at each other, a sense of dread overtaking them.

"After this, it'll be all over. Our revenge will be fulfilled." Noro sternly.

He sounded serious but his face betrayed him. A look of conflict and sadness were evident.

"Why? Why do you want revenge so badly?" Romeo asked.

Noro stopped and turned to them.

"She destroyed everything and everyone I ever loved."

He balled his fist, glaring off into the distance.

"It's her fault the village is like this. It's her fault everyone's dead. EVERYTHING IS HER FAULT!"

Both Wendy and Romeo recoiled at his rant. Noro took a breath and began to recollect himself.

"Once the extraction is complete, I'll never....... I'll never have to see her again...."

"But do you really want that?"

He stood silently.

"Let's keep going." He said.

They continued on. Noro seemed conflicted but they knew better than to try pushing him. His magic was too unknown, and they still needed to find Robin. Before long, Noro pushed them into a room, closing the door behind them.

There stood an elderly man in a green cloak. He was balding with a wrinkled face.

"Master?" Wendy asked.

"You know him?" Romeo frowned.

Wendy nodded.

"He was the one who taught me how to control Tsunade."

Wendy had just departed from the train. She had ridden the train to the last stop. She had no idea where she was, but she had to find a way.

Love is Strength: A RoWen StoryWhere stories live. Discover now