continue imagine for Laerrafn (Zach Herron)

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    well here lately Zach hasn't texted me back and i have sent him so many text but no responses so I'm getting kinda worried soo i just text him again but he didn't  answer one of his friends did

L- Zach please answer me

...- he can't talk right now

L- who is this

...- his friend Jack

L- oh is he OK

J- not really

L- what's wrong? what happened?

J- he's in the hospital right now


J- he got into a car crash on his way here. he's been in there for three days

L- what hospital 

J- in California

     i ran down stairs and told my mom i'll be back i grabbed the key and drove to the hospital and i texted Jack over Zach's phone and told him to meet me there

i got there and a boy with curly hair, brown eyes and he's way taller then me not that tall but tall

J- are you the girl i was texting on Zach's phone

L- yes

J- why do i need to be here

L- just in case i need someone to hug if that's OK with you

J- yea sure

   me and jack walked up to the desk and they took us to his room i seen him and ran over to his bed he was awake


Z- hey babe

L- omg I've been so worried about you

Z- sorry baby i got....

L- I know Jack told me

Z- oh you know Jack

L- he answered my texted when i was trying to talk to you

Z- oh

   soon after the doctor told us we had to leave

Z- bye baby

L- bye Zachy get better

J- Zach

Z- take her to our house let her stay in my room for the night


   we left and right when we got out I started crying and Jack walked up to me and hugged me and I hugged him back we got in our cars and i fallowed Jack to there house we got out and walked in

JoJo- wooooo Jack who's the girl

J- she's not mine she's Zach's we just got back from the hospital Zach said to let her sleep in his room for the night

JoJo- oh OK

well Corbyn offered mr food but I wouldn't eat

L- thanks but I'm not hungry

J- are you tired

L- yea

J- come on I'll show you too Zach's room


  I fallowed Jack and we got to Zach's room Jack said I could use one of Zach's shirts and stuff to sleep in since we ware the same size clothes Jack left and I changed and went to bed hoping Zach is OK


well there's your second part I will make a thread part to it if I don't get any imagines soon if you want me too and guys don't forget to dm me for imagines love you guys have a good day or night

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