The Forsaken Child (Part 1)

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''Why isn't this working?!'' The little purple haired girl complained while sitting on cold ground with one hand stretched in front of her. ''I practiced all week, and that branch won't move even an inch!'' She kept complaining as she was slowly standing up on her feet.  She cleaned the dirt from her robe, and then crossed her arms. ''Master Woodward, please tell me what am I doing wrong?'' Woman in a long white robe with a silver belt covered in ancient patterns, stood in front of young padawan. Her long, curly, green hair was flying in the spring breeze. She had a very pale ten, big black eyes and a very charming smile. ''Patience, Croix. You need to be patient.'' The little girl mumbled and wrinkled as she sit down on the ground once again. She fixed her rectangular glasses and then moved her bangs as she wiped the sweat off her forehead. She was about to reach her hand out one more time. ''Croix! Look!'' As a tornado, a little red haired girl rushed to her.  She was covered in mud from her toes to her nose. Her short, red hair was in mess, but a big smile covered her face, and her eyes were filled with excitement. ''What is it, Chariot?'' Croix asked in grumpy tone. The little redhead couldn't hold her excitement back. She was jumping up and down before she calmed.  Then she took a deep breath, closed her eyes. She stretched her hands so the palms were touching. As the breeze calmed down, the face expression changed. From an excited, happy girl, to a focused young padawan. It was all so quiet that you could only hear her slow breathing. Suddenly, she opened her hands. The breeze turned into a whirlpool that blew all the branches into the sky. ''Did you see?! Did you see?!'' She shouted. The branches fell down. Croix was amazed. Her mouth was wide open as she was staring at branches. She wanted to say something, anything, but she couldn't even gasp. She was paralyzed by the scene. ''H-How?'' She mumbled. The little redhead was about to answer, feeling so excited that Croix liked what she saw, but Croix stood up fast, turning her back to Chariot and walking away without letting the redhead say a single word. ''Croix! Wait-'' Redhead shouted with sadness in her voice, but Woodward stopped her from running after Croix. ''Chariot, you should let Croix be on her own for a while.'' Chariot looked at Woodward confused. She thought that she made Croix angry, but didn't know why. She wanted to apologize, but what for could she even apologize? 

Later that day, Croix didn't show up for dinner. She was in her room, looking at the moon. ''Croix?'' Woodward asked while knocking on door and slowly entering the room without Croix allowing her first. ''We need to talk.'' She continued. The little girl didn't make any reaction, she kept staring at the moon. ''Beginning is always the hardest. But you will make it if you try hard enough-'' ''Try hard enough?!' Croix suddenly cut her and then laughed.  ''I am trying hard.'' She gasped. Her fists were shaking. Tears started falling down her red cheeks. ''Why can't I be like Chariot?! It's all natural to her! She is the one who isn't trying hard enough.'' She continued with a louder voice, while shaking. Woodward looked at her with fear. ''Croix. Stop it. Don't let the dark side consume you.'' She said with a shaking voice, thinking of what she could say right now. ''Both of you. Both you and Chariot have your own faults. Chariot learned levitation faster because she stayed away from the dark side.'' She took a breath and swallowed while slowly walking towards Croix. ''You will learn it as soon as you get rid of those emotions you are feeling now.'' Croix suddenly calmed down and stood still. ''I know you can do it, Croix. I believe in you.'' Said Woodward while approaching Croix step by step. Croix was making no reaction. ''But do you believe in yourself, Croix?'' Woodward asked calmly. Croix snapped. She started crying and shaking like a little kid she was. Woodward slowly hugged her. ''It's all right. It will be all right.' Woodward whispered while she was calming her down. ''I'm sorry, master.'' Croix mumbled while feeling the warmth of the hug. Woodward just petted her head with a smile of relief on her face. Suddenly, someone knocked on the door. ''C-Croix.. I'm sorry..'' Sweet childish voice said. It seemed unsure but honest. Woodward looked at Croix. She pointed at the door with her eyebrows and head. Then slowly stood up and walked out of the room. Croix sneezed. She took her glasses off, wiped the tears and then put them back up again. Chariot was confused after seeing Woodward, but she walked in anyway. ''I'm really sorry...'' Chariot continued. her cheeks were fire red with her head bowed and hands behind her back. Croix smiled and wiped her tears once again. ''You have nothing to be sorry for.'' Croix replied while walking towards Chariot. ''But... You... '' Croix smiled once again and put her hands on Chariot's shoulder, looking her into the eyes. ''I'm older. Therefore, you have to learn from my mistakes.'' She reached with her hand for Chariot's head and started petting her. ''You, and Woodward are my only family. I don't want to lose you.'' Croix said with shaking voice. Chariot held her breath, she didn't know what's going on.''Don't ever let the dark side consume you, Chariot, all right?'' Croix smiled. Chariot looked at her confused, but then nodded confidently as if she was given the mission to save the world. Then Croix hugged Chariot. 

''Two girls you say? I already sense it. The Force is strong with both of them. But where did you see them?!'' A tall, old man, with long grey beard, covered in black robe, with scars on his face said it as he threw the old soldier on the ground and choked him with the powers of the Force. ''Alderaan! On Alderaan!'' A soldier shouted in a crying tone, trough his shaking voice. ''Woodward trains them since they came of age! Please, that's all I know! I am just one of her knights.'' The old man yelled as he was losing his breath. ''Please... I have famil-'' He lost his last breath and died.

''I can't believe she was teaching them all this time without me noticing it.'' He continued with a disappointed grin.  ''If it wasn't for the hatred of one of these girls, I wouldn't sense them at all.'' He shook his head in disbelief.

''What are your commands, my lord? '' Middle aged, bald general, dressed in olive green uniform, asked in nervous tone.

''Prepare the attack on Alderaan.'' The old man said with confident voice. ''The dark side wants both girls.'' He continued while looking trough the window of his ship, into the deep horizon of the universe. 

''Yes, my lord.'' General answered and walked away to give the further commands to the crew.

''You can't hide them. Not from me. Not anymore, Woodward.''  He smiled to himself as the ship was flying away, headed to the Alderaan.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2017 ⏰

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