If Ryuu went to Rikkaidai pt. 2

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So.....I'm back?

😅 Okay....I'm so sorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorryosorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorry IM SORRY

Okay so a couple reasons why I wasn't updating this story:
1. I'm was in Korea for a month and just came back.
2. I've been basically staying in the countryside so not that much internet and I was not allowed to use my phone when there was no wifi cuz it uses too much data in another country.
3. It was so hooooott. I was literally melting there. Legit, I almost passed out one day cuz I was, along with my sister and two cousins, basically forced to walk up a hill in search of a lake that was never there in the first place .-.
4. I met my family members (although at first they thought I was the oldest cuz I'm taller than my sister >.>)
5. My family members keep telling me and my sister to eat every 5 minutes so I was dying while slowly turning into a pig.

So, I used hotspot on a phone that I got to use during my stay in Korea (although I didn't really use it 😅). And I typed up this part of the story and yeah. Enjoy...?

Ryuu pov:

So...why am I in this situation?

I stared boredly towards the couple of fangirls in front of me.

Time goes back to beginning of the day:

"My name is Echizen Ryuu, it's nice to meet you."

"Now then, any questions for Echizen-san?"

"What are your hobbies?"
"What's your favorite subject?"
"What type of guy do you like?"
"What club are you joining?"
"Are you really a 2nd year? Because you look like a child."

A tick mark formed on sensei's forehead. Taking that as a sign, I covered my ears.

"All of you....QUIET DOWN!!!!"

Everybody immediately shut up and I stopped covering my ears.

I sighed before saying, "Okay. Now then.... I would say my hobbies are drawing, sleeping, and playing tennis. English, math and physical education. No comment. I am in the boys' tennis team. And last but not least, I am actually a freshman but based on academic excellence, or so the principal had stated, I have been moved to junior year in order to help a certain student. If that answered all your questions then please treat me well." I finished with a bow.

My classmates all looked at me in awe.

Time skip to heaveeeen- I mean lunch...yeah:

When the bell rang, I closed my notebook and got my bento.

"Echizen, you want to have lunch with me and the senpais?"

I looked up to find Kirihara-san standing in front of me with a cheeky smile.

I softly smiled before saying, "I guess that will be no problem. However, you do know I have to tutor you, right?"

Kirihara-san's happy-go-lucky mood turned into fear as he said, "B-but lunch..."

"Don't worry, we can have a day off today only. " I made sure to emphasize that we will only rest today and by tomorrow, he should be ready to study.

Kirihara-san then smiled again and yelled out, "YATTAAAAA! Then let's go to our spot, Echizen~~~"

He suddenly grabbed my arm and dragged me outside.

Instead of struggling, I just let myself flow with the wind as I was being dragged out at a high speed. Then, Kirihara-san made a screeching stop.

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