Do you love me?

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Phil sat on the couch with Dan, trying so hard to watch the anime on the TV in front of him, yet couldn't manage to keep his eyes off of Dan.

Suddenly, Dan turned to look at him, giving him a confused look.

"Do you need something?" Dan asked.

Phil blushed and looked down, shaking his head.

He was in love with Dan. He had never been this much in love with anyone before. How could someone possibly be so perfect?

Phil looked back up at Dan again, admiring every little perfection in his face.

Dan became annoyed. He snapped and looked over at Phil.

"What do you want? Stop staring at me you fucking homosexual."

Phil was taken back. What was this side of Dan?

"Oh, uh, sorry"

"That's right, dumb bitch" Dan muttered, turning his head away from Phil and back to the TV.

Phil's face faltered and his gaze dropped to the ground.

He knew this was true.

Dan didn't love him.

He never would.

After all, who would want to?

Phil's POV

I woke up in tears, sitting straight up in my stupid wicker bed, gasping for air.

Was that just a dream? Or did Dan really hate me?


Nothing made sense to him now. He wiped the tears from his eyes and lied back down, waiting for a rest that never would come.


2 hours.

2 hours Phil had lied there, not being able to sleep. The constant thought scratched at the back of his mind, clawing at the thought that maybe Dan really didn't like him at all.

Phil turned over and grabbed his phone from the nightstand.

4:42 AM, it read.

He couldn't take it anymore.

Stumbling, he sat up from his bed and walked down the hallway, tears falling like crazy from his cheeks onto the floor.

He knocked on Dan's door.

"Phil?" Dan's angelic voice called back. "Is that you?"

Phil took this as the moment to enter.

He opened the door and walked over to Dan's bedside. Dan looked up at Phil, seeing his tear stained cheeks and red eyes. Suddenly he became alert.

"Are you okay, Phil?" He asked, genuinely concerned. Phil shook his head, no.

Dan's previous smile turned into a frown as he pulled back the covers and opened his arms to Phil.

Wordlessly, Phil climbed into bed with Dan, resting his cheek against Dan's bare chest. Dan tucked the covers over them again.

"Dan," Phil whispered so faintly. "Do you love me?"

Dan was taken back by Phil's statement.

He had never knew he felt that way...

Out of pure joy, Dan squeezed Phil tightly around the waist.

"I always have, Lion, and I always will."



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