I'm ugly.

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Idk where this is going to go at all but I thought it could be cool so



Also this was inspired by like 3 other phan stories and like 1 normal story so props to those writers for the ideas
Dan's POV
Phil hasn't been well lately.

I mean, it's not like he's sick or something, he's just not Phil.

He woke up this morning, as usual, and I asked if he wanted a bowl of cereal like I always do in the morning. Instead of politely accepting, his eyes widened in fear and he shook his head rapidly, mumbling a "No!" before running into his room. I was thinking maybe he just needed some alone time or something.

Now, it's almost dinner time and Phil hasn't come out of his room all day, which means that he hasn't eaten all day.

That's not Phil.

I've heard him saying "Hey guys!" A couple of times, so maybe he's making a new video.

After five more minutes of waiting, I couldn't take it anymore. I got up from my browsing position, placing my laptop to the side, and walked over to Phil's rooms, lightly knocking on the door.

"Yes?" Phil called back, his voice shaky.

I walked in the room.

What I saw was normal, just Phil sitting on his bed with his back pressed up against the headboard, editing a video.

He sighed in defeat and put his head in his hands, looking as miserable as ever.

"I can't upload this," he cried out. "I can't!"

I raised an eyebrow and went to sit next to him on the bed. I shot a glance to Phil's computer screen and saw that it was just like any other video Phil had made, one hand in the air, a smile on his face, and his legs crossed on his bed.

"What's wrong with the video, Phil?" I asked, genuinely concerned.

Phil looked up at me with teary eyes, "Nothing's wrong with the video" he whispered, looking back down. "It's me!"
My eyes widened in shock. Did Phil not believe he was pretty? Did he not see how beautiful he really was?

"What do you mean? You look fine." You look fantastic as always, and every time I see you I want to hug you and tell you just how much I love you.

"My hair looks a mess,"

"Your hair looks good" I'm jealous of your hair, the texture, the way it falls, the way you brush it out of your face, the color.

"My smile looks awful"

"Your smile is okay" You have the most beautiful smile anyone could ever ask for.

"My laugh makes me want to die"

"Your laugh is fine, Phil." Your laugh makes everyone's day brighter. Your laugh is the reason I smile.

"Exactly!" Phil shouted. "It's fine. It's okay. I'm not pretty, Dan, I'm not even remotely pretty."

The only thing keeping me from lunging at Phil and smothering him with kisses was my self control.

And that was about running out.

I took another deep look at Phil's face, admiring every little line and feature of him.

"Phil," I started, trying not to come off all lovey dovey.

Phil didn't like me that way.

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