Shoutout #1

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Title: Long Gone
Author: AmberAns
Genre: Werewolf

Title: Long GoneAuthor: AmberAns Genre: Werewolf

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"You're not a very good gentleman, are you?"

A flood of red fluid poured down his chin onto his shirt painting his athletic body a dark red, he pressed his hands against his stomach trying to control the gaping wound, but it was too late. Damon fell to the floor, on his knees, and glanced at me for one second before collapsing. He was choking on his own blood. The red stream turned into black thick slime. His eyes turned their lilac color before closing, closing to never open again. Not in this life.

Description: When Axe turns 15 she turns into a werewolf, she has to deal with Autumn who tries to kill her and her friends and loved ones. She meets Jordan again after a long time, but what she does next is unexplainable. She has her own problems, but when another heavy weight is laid upon her shoulders she bites through her pain. She meets the athletic and very handsome Damon, but Damon too is someone special. Every step she takes, she has to be careful. Because she could get killed on the spot, her mom hid a secret from her for 15 years and now she finally knows, putting herself in danger. She has to look back every single time and fear everything. Will this last forever? Will she survive?

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