Waking Up

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Red's pov
I see him, the boy I always see in my dreams. He smiles at me then his smile turns into a sneer and he looks at me with hate in his eyes and starts walking away from me. "Why do you hate me?!" I scream. "Your a murderer." he says without turning around which makes me drop to my knees. Everything starts getting consumed by darkness and I see a wolf with bright red eyes and white fur that is the same color as my natural hair color. It starts running towards me and I scream, feeling it tear my limbs from my body. Then I wake up in a cold sweat. I start crying immediately as the dream and the memories come back. I saw a familiar face come into the room and hold me against his chest. I start crying onto his bare chest as he rubs my back and runs his fingers through my hair. "Its alright, I'm here." he says. "T-the w-wolf ripped m-me t-t-to pieces a-and I k-killed all t-those m-men." I stuttered out. "They deserved worse than death. I came when I heard what was happening and you were already passed out." he said, at first with hate that soon turned into worry. "Who are you?" I asked, lifted my head up to see the face I dream about, he seems to be around 3 years older than me but the air around him feels like the boys that are a year older than me do. "It's me, Akio. I used to play with you when our parents went hunting. Don't you remember?" he says with confusion and hope in his eyes. I then say with confusion "The earliest memory I remember is showing up at an orphanage covered in blood which got me my name Red.", he then says "Do you even know what you are?". "What do you mean?" I say with confusion and curiosity. "You are a white fox wolf." he says. Then I grabbed my head from the pain I'm feeling. The first thing I see is a woman with blonde hair and blue eyes standing next to a man with black hair and green eyes. The next thing I see is a wolf looking at me that looks similar to the one in my dream, just smaller. Then I notice that was not glass separating us, it was a mirror. The next thing I see is Akio and this girl inside a bedroom and it seems that I'm secretly watching them. I see the girl wrap her arms around him and I start running. When I get outside, I see a dead blonde fox and a dead black wolf. I see four wolves surronding them and I feel intense heat and pain go through my body and I find myself on four paws, running towards the wolves with my eyes only seeing red. When I see Akio and that girl walk out of the house with messed up hair and clothes, I turn back into my human form, covered in blood and start running. After an hour, I find myself in front of a large door. I fall on the ground from exhaustion and hit my head hard on the ground. Then, the images fade and I'm back to reality. I see Akio and I jump off the bad to run into the bathroom. I lock the door and started crying. We promised each other when we were younger that we would not keep secrets from each other. When I was conscious again after seeing those memories, I got a smell of him and found out that he was my mate.I look into the mirror to see that my hair turned white, it is probably because he bathed me while I was unconcious and I put this stuff in my hair so no one finds out that I'm albino. I'm not ashamed of it, but I didn't want to be made fun of for it. Then I see a pair of fox ears on top of my head and a fox tail wagging behind me. Then I sit on the floor and pass out.

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