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It was a dark and windy night. I know, I know, cliche am I right? But that's how it was when Sally Jackson met the eccentric man in the black suit with a crimson tie and golden aviator sunglasses. She was completely mesmerized at her first sight of him and she turned the color of his tie.

"What's a lovely lady like you doing out so late?" He asked, his voice deep but soft, velvety but rough, like every aspect of it was contradicting the other.

She tried to speak but all she could make out was, "Um... I... Work... Home... Yeah." She stuttered while blushing deeply and giggling between every word.

The man gave her a crooked grin, "Where do you live? It would be no trouble at all to drop you off." He said in his enchanting voice.

"Uh... I... Um... Glenwood Management." She stated once she had regained her composure.

The man simply nodded and pulled out a cell phone and dialed a number.

"Lucifer, I need you here in fifteen minutes tops." Silence. "Yes, yes. I know I'm out late but I just had to take a stroll through the park. You'll never believe who I found." More silence. "The mother of the hero of the great prophecy for the Greeks." Another silence. "Yes, that one." Final silence. "Okay Lucifer, you have twelve minutes. Oh tell Lucius and Lucian I said hi." After that he hung up the phone.

"Who are you?" She asked looking skeptical.

He flashed her a crooked grin, "My name is Satan, and tonight, Sally Jackson I plan to save your son from a horrible fate."

Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped to the floor. She slowly began backing up before something hit her, not literally, but figuratively. He said son, she didn't have a son, sure she had met a man with the most enchanting sea green eyes last week. Although she never considered him possible father material. Noticing the look of confusion in her eyes Satan grinned and removed his sunglasses revealing the most gorgeous eyes she had ever seen. They were mostly scarlet, but had a ring of orange around the pupil. Her knees almost buckled completely under her, she could get lost in those eyes for weeks. Then she heard a car horn honk and was brought out of her thoughts, she noticed Satan looking at her with amusement. She looked into the long black limo and saw a man with long black hair and equally black eyes, he turned to her and flashed her a small, shy smile.

Noticing her look of wonder Satan snickered and pulled her into the back of the limo. The man-presumably Lucifer-asked where they were going and Satan told him the address. As they were headed off to her apartment Sally couldn't help but get lost in his eyes again they were so angry and intimidating, but yet soft and kind at the same time. Just like everything about The Devil his eyes were contradicting each other. He was most certainly an interesting man and she hoped she would get to see him more often, she certainly hoped so. As they pulled up to her apartment complex she couldn't help but to feel sad when she realized her time with Satan was coming to an end. She never in a million years would've thought about her thinking or saying that.

He held his hand out like a true gentleman and guided her to her apartment. When she arrived to her door she didn't want him to leave. He must've noticed this because he looked down slightly sad but looked up again with a smirk on his face.

"Never thought a mortal woman would fall for Satan, lord of darkness, king of hell, and the most evil person in the entire world." He said with a slight bit of sarcasm embedded into his words.

She blushed and began to walk away. But then she stopped herself. She couldn't hold it in right now lest she regret it for the rest of her life. So she turned around and pulled him into a kiss, obviously surprised at first he didn't respond but after recovering from the shock he began to kiss her back. It was a heated kiss, not filled with lust, but love. After a few minutes they pulled apart completely out of breath. He gave her another crooked grin and materialized an ebony black rose from thin air and handed it to her.

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