Jamie aka Dad

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People say that sons need a father figure in their life. Same with daughters. Well I've never had a father figure in my life. My mother divorced you after you tried to kill me when I was only 18 days old. You abused my mother even when she was pregnant with me. And when my mom told you she was pregnant, you didn't believe her and beat her up. And you got away with it. You never paid child support. You fat shamed my mother as well! And you abused her so much that she had to wear sleeves on her wedding dress. You did things she didn't want you to do. And some how you were able to get visitation rights. My mom didn't like it. And I didn't like it either. The very first time I saw you, I told you that I didn't like you and you yelled me. You weren't even there most of the time anyways. You sent a third grader a creepy ass doll from Japan. It came with an apple that you could put nails in and if I remember correctly it also came with underwear! What kind of father sends his daughter underwear from Asia?! I was in the third grade! That's so messed up. This is why my mother and I have trust issues with all guys. I hope you're happy 'dad'. And I hope your current wife sees how terrible you are.

My 13 Reasons WhyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz