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Sean's POV

As I was watching with Serris and Oreo my phone buzz its a text from the Squad asking me if I want to hang out and I replay yes because why not?its a friends hang out day so

I go upstairs to my room opening my closet and change into some of my cool maroon shirt that says 'Lewser' then go downstairs as I near the door Serris called me from behind

"Sean you didn't tell me you finally have a girlfriend she's pretty though and I already meet her" she said smiling

"What are you talking about?" I ask confused and she shows me Gabe's latest post and its me and Bailey resting our head to each other and that was when the detention happen

"Shes not my girlfriend that was just incident" I said rolling my eyes at her "yeah...whatever #Seailey"she said giggling and I just ignore her then goes to my favorite car and drive off.Gabe De Guzman.Your dead.

Bailey's POV

Me and Kaycee are just Sitting here in my bed I bet your wondering why Kaycee always here well she's temporarily lives here since her parents aren't still home because they need to handle some works along with my parents

So me and Kaycee is the only here at our house Kaycee's sister was at their house with some of her friends and Britney and Kylie are at college

As I stalked Sean's twitter ,Snapchat ,Musical.ly ,Instagram and other apps I learned that

Sean Charles Lew is his full name ,he's 17,he's birth date was November 25,2002 ,he's a senior high like me, he loves singing,he's amazing dancer and cheographer ,he's part of immabest,he's also model at some shirts and jackets brand, and I learn that he didn't have a girlfriend so good thing I'm single! Ahahaha kidding

As I was scrolling my newsfeed at insta I see Kaycee's latest post its me and Sean and she says 'awww relationship goals ughhh they take a picture of us while were asleep

And not just Kaycee even Gabe and his friends,my friends, my fans repost it I can't believe it they keep saying me and Sean look good together,

That were dating, And keep hashtagging #Seailey I look over at kaycee and she's sleeping! Ughhh even my parents commented on her post saying they should meet Sean soon I hate kaycee for this

But I don't know why I actually screenshoted the pic and keep staring at this....his handsome tough but i still freaking hate him.

Sean's POV

"Yow man!" Will said while approaching me "Hey!" I said side hugging him "Where's Gabe?" I ask

"Right there why?" He said while pointing a table where Josh,Gabe,Kenneth,Will and Julian are there "Nothing. I just want to talk to him?" I said

"Ohh yeah come on!" Will said "okay " then we headed to them and sitting between Gabe and Kenneth when I sat there I quickly punch Gabe's Arm

"Ouch!What your Problem?" He ask "Why did you take a picture of us and posted it on insta saying #Seailey ?" I asked back
"Well,I'm forced that was Kaycee's idea " He said like it's normal

"Do you know that everyone thinks that we are dating even her Parents and Serris thinks about that" I whisper rolling my eyes at him

"Chill Sean! Why you're so affected?" He asked whispering too "Because its destroying my Career and now everyone will hate Bailey!" I said honestly

"Sean!Dude just chill don't stress your self!and You should thanks us because we know you like her and because of that post you will get along right?" He said
"I dont like herWell scratch that! I have a plan!" I smirked looking at him

"What are you guys talking about?" Josh ask whispering too
"Nothin' " I said but Gabe was too fast to interrupt me "Its About Bailey the one i---" I slap my hands in his mouth making him stop

"Ohhhh the trending posted picture of seailey am I right?"Julian said "No--" I said "Yes--" "NO!" "YES" we keep on fighting till Kenneth talk

"Guys are we going to hang out or what?" He asked irritated "Okay so where are we Going?" I asked

"Some bar?"Will suggest and everyone agreed but me I just shrug

We arrived at the bar that Considered 17 Years old like us..then we order some drinks and talk about our life and other things and enjoy hanging out together again

"Yo Sean!you should go home!you look

Bailey's POV

My phone rings as me and Kaycee are walking around the park Its Tatiana number because it has her name on it but I still answer it and put it into speaker

"Uhhh Hello?What's up?" I ask and look at Kaycee and Kaycee did the same "hey babe! Are you and Kaycee free?" she said on the phone "Yeah why?" I ask her

"Come on let's hang out!at the six flags pls.?" I bet she's pouting on the other line "of course why not!"I said I"okay! I'll pick you two up" she said excitedly

"okay! At my house we will wait" I said then hang up the call

Kaycee and me change into some high waisted ripped jeans and gray sweater hers are plain and mine has a letters on it 'LEWSER'
Its was stocked at Kylie's closet so I just borrowed it...it sounds familiar though

As we both go downstairs we heared the honk of Tati's Car so we quickly close all the door and goes Tati "Hey Tats!" Kaycee greet hugging Tati as I did the same

Kaycee whispher something to Tati and Tati eyed me up and down making me curious
"That's sweater looks good on you! Did you buy that?" She asked giggling

"Nah...its Kylie's sweater I just borrowed it...it looks good eh"
I said then they both smirked
"What's with the smirked?"I ask
"Nothing" they both said in sync then started to laugh

I just shake my head at there silliness then head to the car
WAIT!!!no its not a car "Tati!!is this yours?? When did you ever have this?" I ask eye raping the
Matte Black Ferrari

Don't get me wrong Matte Black Ferrari is the coolest car I've ever seen and I want to have one someday it looks like for boys only but I didn't care I love Black!

"Its Secret why?"she said in a questioning tone "Don't tell me you two didn't know that I love this car!this is what I've been dreaming on"I said jumping

"Really you can drive it if you want!?" Tati says and Kaycee nod "Of course I want!" I said

Opening the car I sit at driver seat and Tati sit at the Passenger seat while Kaycee at the Back scrolling her Insta feed and stalking the great 'Gabe'.

Sorry for the Mistakes and Errors!

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