Chapter 5

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It was a sunny day at the pier of magnolia there stands a young women holding a t-shirt close to her heart.
She had red hair that shines like scarlet
"Danie u know you out there I will not stop until I get you off that island" she said, it was Erza now 17 years old.
"Ma'am the ship is ready for departure" a man said he wore a captain suit
"then let's set sail to Lee-an-yu" erza said s they all boarded the ship.

Back on the island....
"I won't ask again" danie said "WHO ARE YOU" the man wanted to answer but passed out due to pain as the arrow went through his shoulder.
Oliver Opened his eyes to see he was in a cave and standing there infront of him was danie holding a bowl of water and some herbs, danie walked to him and offered the water and herbs
"Here it this it will help with the pain and fever" danie said Oliver looked at danie
"Why did you shoot me with an arrow" Oliver asked
"Sorry I thought you were one of HIS guys" danie said
"So you put an arrow in me" Oliver said
"I had to make sure you were not an imposter" danie said.
"I have been on this island for almost 6years nw and I Have seen some things that can't be explained I fought a war and lost people trust me this place is hell" danie said
Danie walks up to Oliver
"Sorry for shooting you but I must asked how you got to this island and is there a way that we can get off this hell" danie said
"There was a storm and we were in it on my dad's yardt the ship went down so did my dad, he shot himself and one of our crew members to save me but he told me that he had failed our city and I must survive to save it" Oliver said
"Save it from what? " danie asked
" I don't know yet he left me with this book and told me to correct my Wrongs" Oliver said
Oliver who was lying down fall asleep while danie watched him
"can I trust him Shannon" danie thought as far as Danie could think the only person who could trust was Shannon but she is no longer with him.
The next morning Oliver wakes up and danie has already started the fire Oliver looked around and saw a chicken alive and in a cave
"Hey danie that smells good can I have some" Oliver said reaching for the chicken, danie grabbed him and threw him over his shoulder
"What is your problem" Oliver said
"If you want to eat kill the chicken I left for you" danie said
"I can't kill a chicken" Oliver said
"Then you not eating" danie replied
"I haven't killed anything before, and I am so hungry" Oliver said
"Well I'm teaching you a skill that might come in handy when you need it" danie said
Oliver looks at the chicken and then looks back at danie and he realised that he couldn't kill the chicken.
"Please danie I'm starving" Oliver said but danie ignored him, danie stood up and walked out the cave into the jungle that he was so familiar with.

"Miss Erza we are like two days out we are on the right track to the island we will be there in two days" the captain said
"Good" erza said looking out at the sea
"Danie I hope you still on the island" erza thought
"miss erza why do you want to find the island that badly" the captain asked
"There is someone on that island that means something to me that why" Erza replied
" I see then I will help you find this someone" the captain said

Back on the island..

The starving Oliver looks at the chicken, taking it out of the cage and snaps its neck at that very moment danie walks in and sees Oliver killing the chicken and smiles
"Good now that was your first kill now looks go look for more" danie said holding a bow and arrow, danie and Oliver left the cave and into the jungle.
Danie and Oliver walked around the island looking for food
"So what are we looking for here" Oliver ask
"our next meal Il shoot and you go and get" danie said
"No why don't I shoot and you go and get" Oliver said danie looked at Oliver.
"OK let's see what you got" danie gave the now and arrow to Oliver "Remember breath steady, aim and fire" danie said over aimed at a tree and he shoot, the arrow missed its target
"Jy gaan heir dood gaan" danie said
"what does that mean" Oliver said
"That you will die on this island now ho back to the cave and get us more arrows Il train you" danie said, Oliver sigh and walked back to the cave, but as he entered he met a guy there he was covered on blood and a broken arm.
"Please help me sir" the man said
"Who are you" Oliver asked
"Please sir help me" Oliver looked behind him and another man punched him from behind knocking him out........

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