Chapter 18- Held captive

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Gunpowder was written on a barrel this crap will blow your damn face off. I scoffed, and started filling pots with the powder. I climbed down the ladder. Once I was almost down, I saw Murphy and wanted to say hi, but he stood bended over Myles, a plastic bag pressed against his face. Murphy was choking him. I stared at Murphy as he removed the bag. As hard as I could, I pretended I didn't see anything. ''He stopped breathing,'' Murphy lied, ''I was just- I was trying to help him.''
''Oh,'' I slowly climbed further Dow, ''I'll tell Bellamy and give Raven her gunpowder.

I saw the gun I carried when I walked inside the Drop Ship, lying on one of the makeshift tables. Murphy saw it too. Then we looked at each other. I jumped down the last steps of the ladder and ran towards the gun. Too bad that Murphy had it first. He pointed it at me.
''Murphy.'' I breathed, ''put the gun down.''
''He tried to kill me.''
''I know, Murphy. I tried to save you, so let me go.''
''Nah,'' he said, ''we both know that the Queen will run for her King, and what will happen to me then.''
''If you let me go, I promise I won't tell Bellamy.''
''Tell Bellamy what?" It was Bell's voice from over a radio. I forgot I put that in my pocket.
"Give me the radio, Olivia," Murphy ordered, I slowly got it out of my pocket.
"Murphy has a gun, he killed Myles. Help me.'' I said as fast as possible before Murphy snatched the radio out of my hand.
"Murphy what the hell are you doing?" I heard Bell. Murphy closed the Drop Ship door.
"Open the damn door!" Bellamy yelled.
"If you try to be the hero, Olivia dies." He shot me a look and put don the radio, "sit on that chair," he pointed is gun at a chair, "NOW!" I crawled to the chair and sat down. Murphy tied me up, and put a cloth in my mouth, "this will shut you up."

He sun had probably risen already, while I was still stuck in the Drop Ship, with John Murphy. The person who once as my friend it was like nothing was left of that boy. ''Murphy,'' Bellamy said over the radio, ''I know you can hear me. All our ammo and food is on the middle level, you know that. You're leaving us vulnerable to an attack. I can't let that happen.''
''Yeah, well, in case you haven't noticed '' Murphy picked up the radio, ''you're not exactly in control right.''
''C'mon, Murphy,'' Bell replied, ''there's no any you wanna hurt Queenie. You wanna hurt me.'' Murphy looked at me, I stared back.

In the past few hours I haven't showed any weakness, I wasn't scared at all. I knew somewhere deep inside Murphy couldn't hurt me. ''So,'' Bell went on, ''what do you say? How about you trade her for me? All you have to do is let her go and I'll take her place.'' I shook my head to Murphy heavily. Okay, now I was slightly scared.
"How?" He smirked towards me.
"Simple,'' Bellamy answered, ''you open the door, I walk in, she walks out.'' I kept shaking my head and made noises that said no. Murphy pulled the lever and the door opened once more. "Just you, Bellamy, unarmed.'' Murphy didn't untie the ropes that held me on the chair, ''as soon as you're inside, she walks out. You have ten seconds. ONE, TWO...'' Murphy counted. Bell stepped inside and Murphy closed the door, I was still inside and tied down. "What the hell!" Bellamy shouted, "this was not the deal."
"I'm not the one for making deals.'' Murphy and Bellamy started arguing, useless in this case. We'll both die was the only thing I could think of.

''That's good," Murphy shot at the metal floor, I shock up from my thoughts, "then do what I said."
"Bellamy?" It as Octavia from over the radio, she sounded worried, probably heard the shot, "Bellamy, are you okay?"
"You want her to know you're alive?" Murphy asked, "start tying."
"Bellamy, do you copy?" Octavia shouted as Bell sat down on his knees and started tying seat belts together.
"I'm fine," he shouted, "just a misfire. Now, stop worrying about us and get back to work, all of you. And tell Raven to hurry her ass up."

"Alright, that's long enough," Murphy said while looking at the robe, "tie those ends together," Bell did as told, "alright, now get up and toss it over." Bellamy threw the rope over a pipe, while Murphy's smirk grew.
"What do you want me to say?" Bellamy asked him, "you ant me to apologize? I'm- I'm sorry."
"You got it all wrong, Bellamy," Murphy told Bell, "I don't want you to say anything. I want you to feel what I felt. Even that feeling that someone you trust, kicks away the barrel under your feet. Only... with you it'll be worse: someone you love, is gonna kick away that barrel. And after you felt that... then I want you to die." Bell looked up at the gallows e made himself, then he looked at me. I was heavily shaking of the idea that Murphy was going to make me kill Bellamy. Pure fear had taken over.

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