Red Mary Log: Five

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Three days, it's been three days since Leo locked himself in his room. The household has become tense and I noticed Dr Francoise and Dr Eliot argue with each other several times since. What happened to make Leo like this? Three days ago he was so comforting, then suddenly, he decided to shut himself away.

I'm sitting at the beach on my own, usually the sunset calms me, I feel at peace; but this time there's nothing but worry and confusion. The cold wind that runs through my hair is at a stark contrast from the boring but sunny day that I have endured today – it is cutting, and so unsettling.

Entry 5: Forced Quandary

It started the exact morning after Leo and I had spent our night in the lab, when we found that mysterious room. I was sitting alone in the dining room, the massive windows to the left of me let the relentless sun shine brightly on the pure white linen on top of the massive dining table. I'd never really gotten used to the room, it was too big, too empty, ornate, but at the same time, dead. As I dwelled on this I could hear the faint sounds of the two Doctors arguing. I wondered where Leo was. I think, to a degree, I almost missed him, we would chat over inane topics during breakfast, sometimes I'd act needlessly abrasive to him, but it was all in good fun. But yes, I missed him. This fact is hard to accept, but I have since come to terms with the idea, as I have begun to miss him more and more over the next few days.

Either way, I sat and simply stared at my bowl of cereal for over thirteen minutes, the whiteness of the milk blurred, I remember it looking like it was going on forever. It must be noted here that I dislike cereal as a morning breakfast, it's the same brown fibre ridden flakes every morning. All for the sake of keeping me "healthy".

After many boring minutes of staring at my cereal, alone, I heard Dr. Francoise storming down the hallway towards the dining room. She passed through the dining room and continued to the rooms ahead; she looked at me for a short moment as she passed, and I could see a sincere and frightening look of scorn on her face. Dr. Ellison soon followed after her, he looked quite flustered as he shuffled through the hall in his crumpled lab coat. I murmured his name as he passed by in the slight hope that he could hear me; I expected that he would ignore what I said and keep running, but he immediately turned towards me.

Dr Ellison: Oh Mary, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.

Red Mary: What is there to be sorry for Doctor?

Dr. Ellison: I- I'm- I won't be able to spend time with you as much as usual. It, I have a lot of things to sort out now.

Red Mary: Doctor, why has Leo not turned up for breakfast this morning? Is he busy doing something else?

Dr. Ellison: Sorry Mary, I have to talk to Dr. Francoise before she leaves, we can discuss this later.

As I looked at my cereal, I wished I had not overslept so that I had a better grasp of what was going on. I didn't even bother thinking about the events the night before, Leo and the Doctors preoccupied my thoughts further.

A couple of hours later I saw Dr. Ellison pleading to Dr. Francoise as she started to board an unmanned helicopter to leave the island. It was midday and I was standing on the front courtyard of the mansion, I could see them in the distance arguing once again. The helicopter had only just arrived, and it was already ready to leave, Dr. Francoise seemed adamant to run but suddenly Dr. Ellison said something. One thing that he said completely changed Dr. Francoise's mind. Sadly I was too far away to hear what it was. But my curiosity was piqued.

Later that night, feelings started to arise. Feelings from before Leo had come to visit had started to surface again. And not only this, but they rose to a much higher level than ever before.

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