chapter 2

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Heyy guys sorry but I post shit bout my writing and when I'll update on snapchat my code is the picture above please add and this chapter is based a little on the song novena enjoy!

Present day

I woke up in a small hotel near where I live with another man, one I never met before and would likely never meet again. I quickly put my clothes back on, trying not to wake the nameless, sleeping man. I picked up what I assumed to be his jeans hoping to find some money since he was clearly the type to carry round cash. I found his wallet and took the money looking over my shoulder to make sure I didn't get caught. I threw the jeans back on the floor and went towards the door pick up an half empty bottle of whiskey from last night. Once I got the door I quietly opened the door to leave and slammed it shut behind me hoping I woke the twat. And went home, to my studio apartment, to sleep off my hang over. On the way I drank the whiskey and counted the money it was just enough for my rent this month.

When I woke up it was nearly time for my to leave for a house party I had been invited to last week. I was already dressed so I RE-applied my make up and put heeled, knee-high boots on over my skinny jeans. I decided to change into my slayer band shirt. I filled my flask with rum and hurried put the door grabbing my bag as I left and almost forgetting to lock the door.

Once I got to the party I stood by the door scanning the room looking for my only friend on this earth.
"Heyy Andi!!!" Eve shouted shouted pushing through the crowd "you're already drunk??" She pouted at me. I shrugged holding up the now empty bottle of vodka I found in my bag and my also now empty flask.
"Well I guess that will make this easier." The bubbly girl sighed.
"I picked up a bottle of tequila from the counter and downed it, almost gagging, knowing this couldn't be good and I wasn't drunk enough to talk.
"Make what easier eve??" I snapped knowing the small nervous girl was up to something. When she didn't answer I glared at her annoyed.
"My cousin is hear!" Eve blurted out instantly clamping her hands over her mouth with wide eyes.
"What the fuck?!?! You invited him?!?!" I stormed off before she could say any more and ended up in the bathroom. I jumped up on the sink by an open window whilst pulling out a cigarette. After about an hour I was still sat there on my last cigarette talking to some drunk guy about sex. He was nothing like me and he was so drunk he couldn't even stand and it seemed to be the only thing we had in common. I wouldn't even be here if that one day three years ago went differently. Then eves cousin walked in and instantly noticed me.
"Andi??" He sounded shocked but just looked sad.
"Oliver." I muttered looking down at the floor.
"You smoke now?? But I thought you..."
"Got cancer?? Yeah thanks for the postcard." I said sarcastically before getting up and downing every drink in the small bathroom.
"Andi stop!" Oliver grabbed me looking concerned but he had no right to be concerned after what he did to me. I slapped him then pushed him out of my way and quickly ran down the stairs straight into Eve.
"Andi??" I ran around her and went to find something strong to drink. I downed as much as I could before grabbing a few cans of cider and finding somewhere to sit.
The next few hours went by in a haze of booze, bodies and drugs. So couldn't help but think about the night we met in that small blue room and all the dreams I had when I was young and dumb enough to care.

"Take her home, I'll try get my house drug clean once again!" I over heard eve say to a very blurry Oliver.
"Yes ma'am" the tall blur saluted the much smaller one "come on sleepy." He helped me to my feet handing me a bottle of water before leading me out of the cute little house, just outside of Manchester.

We walked silently down the street although Oliver may as well have been carrying me. He kept looking at a scrappy piece of paper in his hand.
"What even is that shit??" I slurred slapping drunkly at the paper. Oliver sighed not hiding how annoyed he was.
"Directions to your apartment." He answered glancing at me. "So you do this every night??"
"No." I hiccuped
"Just most??" He asked in a judgemental tone.
"Nope." I hiccuped again "I usually end up in bed with some cute guy who smiled nicely and bought me enough drinks... isn't that your style??" I laughed dryly.
He was quite for a while and so was I neither of us knew what to say to fill the awkward silence until Oliver sighed and sadly asked
"What happened to you little kitten??"
"Don't fucking call me that!!!" I yanked myself away from him, trying not to cry or fall. "And maybe you should ask Ya damn self that one!" I stormed off as fast as any highly intoxicated girl in 6 inch heels possibly could.
"Fucks sake!" Oliver groaned with exaggerated annoyance before he ran after me and pulled my arm spinning me around so quickly I stumbled falling into the tall man, I once thought so highly of, nearly causing us both to fall onto the hard concrete.
"What the fuck oli??" He hated me using that nickname.
"Eve trusted me to see you home kitty." He shot back with another nickname that had developed over the 2 years I was with creeper. "I see you still wear the ears." He smirked at met, amused that I was wear the ears he got me for my birthday one year.
"No shit. Guys love them so if I want free drinks I just get the girls on show and..." I pointed to my ears then spun round to show him my tail sticking my ass out in my tight jeans know he couldn't help but stare.
"You shouldn't objectify yourself, you're worth way more then a few free drinks." He pointed out. I spun back around.
"That's rich or have you forgotten what you did??"
"Andi... I'm so s-"
"No!" I interrupted "you don't know me anymore and you sure as hell can't tell me how to live my shitty life."
I turned around not letting him see the tears building up in my eyes.
"Andi I-"
"No don't speak, we're nearly there anyway." We continued walking in silence, side by side but at a distance from one another. I stumbled a lot but managed not to fall. Oliver didn't react, he just stared at his feet as he walked; until we were climbing the stairs to my little studio apartment, Oliver wouldn't let me go up alone, and I fell backwards down the stairs.
"Shit! Are you okayy??" He ran down the stairs after me as if he cared.
"I'm fine." I groaned pulling off my boots. "I think I sprained my ankle though."
"Come on." He said picking up my shoes and helping me up. "Let's get you to bed." Oliver half carried me up the stairs and put his hand out for my keys once we got to the door. I fumbled for them in my bag before handing them to him and telling him which one was for that door. He unlocked it and I finished off the water I had left in my bag and flopped down on my bed, a mattress on the floor with a few blankets on top.
"What?? You can leave now." I stated as he was starting to annoy my standing in the doorway judging my little home.
"Yeah... goodnight little kitten." Oliver pause before shutting the door behind h as he left.
"Night oli.." I whispered once I knew he was gone.

All night I couldn't stop thinking about the time I spent with creeper, in particular Oliver and the very messy story of how things ended up this way.

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⏰ Última actualización: Apr 27, 2017 ⏰

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