The new old girl

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Here you are once again. Berk.
It's been years since you've been here and a lot has changed. The dragons. Vikings and dragons now live peacefully together and you love it! This was something you always wanted, because you, although you didn't live on Berk, you never liked the thought of killing living creatures. Your parents on the other hand, well, they didn't like it at all. They always said you didn't have the stomach to do anything, and they actually liked you big brother, Bones, more. But most of the time you didn't care, you were wondering off to your dream world. Your 19 now, but that didn't stop you.
And the reason why you're here was because you discovered something. They weren't your real parents, Bones wasn't your brother and you had more family. You heard the people who call themselves your parents talking about it. About how they should tell you and how your real parents died. So you decided to leave. They said something about family on Berk. It wasn't the person you thought it was.

You woke up. You realised you're in you aunts house and that you were on Berk. Well, she wasn't your real aunt, but she's a nice person. You got dressed and did your hair in some sort of knot, not knowing how to make plaits. You walked downstairs and see that your aunt was still asleep, so you decided to go into the village on your own. You were meeting with the Chief, not really sure why. You got yourself an apple and walked outside. It was chilly, but you had on good clothes. A black fur fest, there under a brown shirt, dark green leggings and shoes with brown fur.

You always wore boys clothing and you taped your chest, though you could still see your breast. You did it because on the island where you're from, the men may fight and defend and the women do the house. It wasn't fair. So you were always sneaking with the men.
But besides of that, you didn't really care how you looked. Wait that's not true. You were ashamed of your chest, that's part of why you bonded if off. You thought it was too big, especially because you weren't tall or big like other vikings, or something.

You recognise some people from earlier visits. But that was five years ago.
Five years ago. The good time that you first were scared and then just trained a dragon. You learned to fly your dragon... your dragon! Kelson must be at the stables! You haven't seen him in long time. But first the Chief, then you can go visit him.

You walk to what once was the arena, where they killed dragons. The Chief was standing with a nice looking guy. When you came closer you could see who it was. "Hiccup! Look at you! Long time no see." You said. You and Hiccup were friends five years ago and you were wondering if you could be again.
"Hey (Y/n). How are you?" He asked.
"I'm fine, I guess." You said, wanting to ask about him but you got interrupted.
"Enough with the chat. We wanted to ask you a couple of questions." Stoick said. "First, why are you here?"
"Oh, um.. well, I wanted to..?" You told them, not really sounding believable.
"Where are your parents?" Stoick continued. His arms were crossed.
You putted arms behind my back. "I guess they are dead, but I never really knew so I think you mean the lying people who actually never liked, but then I don't have an answer." You shrugged frustrated.
The Chief sighed. "You found out."
"Wait! You knew? Why didn't anyone ever tell me?" You are getting mad at this point. "So you knew my parents as well?! They're not even dead are they? They just didn't want me."
"It's not like that. When you were born you were too small, so they had too send you away if they wanted you too survive. They wanted to tell you when you were 20, because then you'd maybe understand."
"They thought wrong. I don't understand." You turned around to walk away, started walking towards the door. "And by the way, I'm 19!" You yelled at then over your shoulder and heard Hiccup chuckle a little.

As you rushed out of the arena, you were looking through where you could go. Then realising that your dragon is waiting.
You started walking to the stables. You were thinking about how it would feel to be in the sky again, as you hit something. It was a Viking who was running from something and he ran right into you. You fell backwards on the ground, with closed eyes you hit the ground, your arms hovering above your head to protect it. Expecting the weight of the guy would fall on you, but he had managed to catch himself, leaning above you.
You opened your eyes and stared into beautiful bright blue ones. Blonde hair hanging around the face. You lowered you arms and realised it was Tuffnut you were looking at.
"Hi (Y/n). I almost didn't recognise you." He said as he realised he was still on top of you. "Oh sorry." He got up and let you get up yourself.
"Always a gentleman, Tuffnut." You said back.
He looked behind him and quickly turned his head back again. "Gotta go." And he ran away, leaving you with a little headache as you continued your walk to the stables.

I hope you liked it! I would love to hear your review. If you think it sucks please tell me because that is very kind. Any request? Things that should happen in this story? We'll see.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2017 ⏰

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