Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

The morning light filters through the glass window pane. The sun's fetal rays appear to be very bright to my sensitive, sleepy eyes. I blink a few times to pull myself out of the grogginess of slumber and as I do so my mouth subconsciously stretches wide open in a yawn. I roll over in the bed as I extend out my hand, searching for Peeta's warm body, sleeping body next to me to my surprise, I find cold sheets and emptiness. I skim my finger tips over the silky sheets to see if I can find any trace of warmth indicating that Peeta hadn't left too long ago. To my disappointment, I find the satin as cool as the breeze that slinks in through the cracked windows.

This is strange. Peeta never leaves the bed before I do. He's always there, right beside me when I wake up. "Peeta?" I speak to the vacant room, hoping he's in the bathroom. "Peeta?" I say again, I listen for a moment, waiting for a response. Silence. I glance over at the clock; 8:05. I pull the covers off, slip on some slippers and hop out of bed. I grab a room key off the oak dresser and stuff it in my shirt. I slide out the door, and it shuts behind me with a click that echoes throughout the silent hallways. I crane my head right, and then left, and then right again scoping the abandon hall in hopes of finding Peeta.

I shuffle my way down to the front lobby and thoroughly skim every nook and cranny, before checking in the breakfast room. The breakfast room isn't completely empty; there is an elderly couple eating at a table, a woman with two young children hurriedly making waffles, and a man sitting by himself stirring his coffee staring blankly out the window. Bewildered, I roam through the mahogany tables and chairs, desperate to find Peeta.

Soon everyone's attention is on me. Everyone's beady little eyes are boring into me, and I'm staring straight back at them. For a split second I wonder why they are so fixed on me, why does what I do effect them in any way? Then I remember. I'm the world famous Katniss Everdeen, the Mockingjay, and leader of the rebellion that has changed the whole nation of Panem. Here I am, their savior, standing in front of them in nothing but Peeta's old T-shirt, aimlessly pacing though the breakfast room in a cheap hotel..

"Momma, look its Katniss!" One of the young little girls shouts a huge smile plastered across her face. She beams at me, and flails her chubby little arms in an excited wave. I can't help but give a small smile back. Her mother raises a finger and begins to scold her for being so blunt.

"I'm so sorry about her," the mother says, "she doesn't have a filter. She thinks it's okay to say what ever pops in her mind."

"Oh don't worry about it," I reassure her, "I'm used to it. It happens all the time now."

There's a brief moment of awkward silence as the woman and her children stand before me, waiting for their waffles. I suddenly remember the reason I came down here; I need to find Peeta. Since the little girl knows who I am, I figure the family knows who Peeta is. "Umm," I begin, "This is umm kinda a random question but ahh... have you happened to see Peeta lately?"

The woman looks up from the waffles that she has just pulled out of the waffle maker and stares at me blankly. "Peeta?" she questions, "Who is that?"

I can feel the heat rising in my cheeks from embarrassment. "Oh, you know that guy from 12. We won the Hunger Games a few years ago.."

"Oh Him!?"

"Yeah, him" I chuckle nervously.

"Nope, I haven't seen him," she replies, "He's a cutie though, you better keep closer track of him, never know who he might run off with. "

I curl my upper lip in disgust. I'm a bit taken aback by her forwardness. Now I see where her daughter gets it from. 'Oh, well thanks for your help." I give my best efforts into being as nice and friendly as possible. That is a difficult task for me.

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