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louis ↠

the last couple days of your life are difficult.

knowing you're going to be taking your last breaths.

i never wanted to go.

i still don't, but not everyone can be happy.

i'm sorry i don't love myself the way i should.

im sorry im not that great of a person.

im sorry that im fucking drowning in my own tears and sadness.

you made me realize im not happy.

i thought i could be.

but not even you harry could make my own pathetic self happy.

but you really did try, h.

im lonely now.

in my room.

its quiet.

im staring at my hand.

its quite full.

this many,

or this many?

i can't choose.

i think id like them all.

its fuzzy.

i feel happy now.

im sorry i couldn't make you happy,

please don't be sad after this.

i love you.

pretty boy ↠ larryWhere stories live. Discover now