The day I met him

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I remember it like it was yesterday. The day I met Cassian Andor. It was one of the best days of my life. I'm going to tell you our story and how it started off like a dream and then turned into a nightmare.

It started like any other day I woke up before anyone else to go to my favorite place in the world a small mountain a couple miles away from town. I go there every morning to write it inspires me and helps me to relax and get away from my life. For two hours two amazing hours I can be myself and get away from my brainwashed parents.

My town isn't small but it's also not huge it's the perfect size but the town itself isn't. It's ran by a "government" more like an empire. Over the years it has become worse many people are homeless and dying. My family gets special treatment because my father works for them helps them with their evil ideas to make everyone's life harder. I might have been raised around them I have never let myself become brainwashed I know what they are doing is wrong.

My friend Leia and her family used to riot and try to fight against the government it didn't end well. One day some soldiers that fight for the government showed up at her house and killed her family then destroyed her home she was the only survivor.

After the two hours pass I go back home before my parents noticed I'm gone I walk through the door to see my father sitting at the table drinking his coffee.

"Good morning Jyn." He said.

"Good morning father."

"Where were you?" He asks.

"I...went for a walk." I lie.

"See anything interesting?"

"No same old same old. I'm going up to my room now okay?"


I walk upstairs into my room. I know it's ridiculous I still live with my parents I'm working on getting my own place but it's hard I want to be able to pay for it myself so I'll need a roommate that is the hard part.

I sit in my bed and look in my book I'm writing it's more like a journal it doesn't have any interesting stories or anything like that just a book of my life. As I'm reading I hear a knock on my bedroom door.

"Jyn honey can you open up?"

I walk over and open to door revealing my mother.

"What is it?" I ask

"Your father and I have a business party tonight."

"For what?"

"Oh Krennic wants to celebrate his promotion."

"Okay...why do I need to know this?"

"We were wondering if you would like to come."

"I don't know."

"Oh come on! Your friends will be there."

"Well I have writing to do."

"You can write later just come."

I roll my eyes "fine!"

"Good pick out a dress to wear you have to dress nice."

"Okay mother I'll look. What time does it start?"

"Eight pm tonight."


I close the door and walk over to my closet. Why did I agree to this? I hate these things! Just a bunch of brainwashed dummies sitting around drinking wine they are incredibly boring. And despite what my mother says I don't have friends they are just spoiled girls that just want to talk politics I never speak because my opinion anyways ends of offending someone.

(ON HOLD) Fighting For Love a Rebelcaptain AU Where stories live. Discover now