Chapter 2 - Kira

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Chapter 2 – Kira

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Chapter 2 – Kira


The girls had been in Japan for a few days. Their first day of school had been postponed, in order to allow them to try and sleep off their jet lag. And so, this was it. The Monday, their first day in a Japanese school. Due to Adelaide's and Cara's inability to speak Japanese, they had to be separated from Mizuki.

"What?!" Cara cried out, after hearing that she and Adelaide were moving classes, "that's so not fair!"

Charlie fanned his hands down slowly, trying to calm the agitated trio, or perhaps quartet is a better word, due to the small Pomeranian that was dancing around their heels and yipping madly.

"Girls, you know you can't stay in the same class as Mizuki - not until you learn Japanese,"

"Why can't she just come into our class?"

"Because, she needs to improve her own Japanese, and the only way she'll do that is by having more exposure to it."

We all sighed and hung our heads, sadly. "I'm sorry girls, I know how much you all wanted to be together."

"It's fine! It's only a few hours," Adelaide said, trying to be optimistic. Charlie looked back at Adelaide briefly, clearly feeling sorry for us. For the rest of the journey to school we all sat in silence, not wanting to say anything in case we made Addy cry – already she was tearing up.

"C'mon Addy," Cara said, extending her hand and pulling Adeliade to where they had been told their class was. She started mewling as she looked back at Mizuki, who was waving sadly. The girls arrived at their class fairly swiftly, despite the unfamiliar numbering system.

"Ah, kon'nichiwa!" The happy voice of the teacher greeted us. She had neatly trimmed hair and a square fringe. Her white shirt and black pencil skirt were perfectly ironed, putting even our crisp black skirts to shame.

"Uh, kon-ee-chee-wa?" Cara and Addy said in unison, blushing furiously as they bowed. Whispers erupted across the classroom, all of which, the two girls couldn't understand.

"Now, pupils, you know you must speak English in this class," the teacher reprimanded. Cara and Adelaide shared a look, she wasn't even telling them off for whispering, only for whispering in Japanese. After being instructed to do so, the girls took their seats... which were on opposite sides of the classroom. Adelaide's wide blue eyes snapped onto Cara's moving figure. She began shaking as she walked to her seat at the front of the classroom. Cara made her way to the back of the classroom and stared at the only free seat.

"Uh... can I sit here?" She asked, knotting her fingers and praying that the boy sitting by the window could understand her. He turned his head and her eyes widened. 'H-he's beautiful!' The boy in question had neat black hair, and dark eyes that were a mix between red and brown. His soft-looking lips were pressed into a gentle frown, that lifted as he looked at Cara.

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