Chapter 1

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I lived with my parents in a small town. I was their only daughter and they doted on me. when I was 18 years old, they sent me to the city to attend university. That was where I met the young man who was to become my husband.

I had never so much as kissed a boy before and he swept me off my feet. He treated me like I was the most beautiful girl in the world. It wasn't long before we fell in love. By the time we finished university, we were already engaged.

We got married and I moved into his house he shared with his parents. Soon afterwards, i discovered i was expecting a baby. It wasn't an ideal situation. We were young and money was tight. Living with his parents was sometimes difficult and stressful. We wanted to get our own place, but we couldn't afford it. My husband worked hard and sometimes a couple of days would go by when he didn't come home. I'm worried would if he doesn't want to raise this baby with me. would if he will be at work too much and can't. Oh my god! I don't know if I want to even keep the baby! I was sad and lonely...........I needed my husband. 

He finally came home, and I told him that I was having a baby...........a baby boy. At first he was shocked (which what was I was expecting), then he was overfilled with joy that we were having a baby! We were too happy, I almost forgot about his work. I'm not even sure if he's gonna be around to help me with the baby. Once my son was born, I spent all of my time on changing him, changing his diapers, and feeding him.

My son grew up quickly, but I was the only one to see it. By the time he was 4 years old, we were still stuck in the same situation. I thought my hair would soon turn gray from a nervous breakdown. What was needed was a new scenery and a father. 

Then one day, my husband came home from work and told me he was getting a promotion. Now we could finally afford  to rent an apartment of our own. Of course, I was very happy, but I knew it meant that I would see my husband even less. 

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