Chapter 1- In which out charicter is introduced and saved

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Dedicated to catfan124 'cause she is my sis! I love my sis.

Okay so I am trying again. I did not like the other story. It went too fast. (I speak of Mirth) I hope this one will be better. I own only a few charicters but the credit goes to J.K! GO J.K and HARRY POTTER.


Chapter 1- In which our character is introduced and saved by a wizard doctor

She has to leave her friends quickly. If she does not, they will be hurt. After sad good byes to the villagers of the Kunlun monastery, she leaps into the intricately carved broom they built for her. It is made out of the wood of the ancient magical Paperbark Maple tree that resides in the center of the village. The villagers gave it as a gift to her for helping their village.

The village is high in the Kunlun Mountains. Their spiritual and traditional Muay Thai training is the best in all of China. She heard word of it while she was visiting the area to collect supplies before she went north. Traveling up the steep mountain is dangerous, but she made it. Only to find a dragon attacking the village. No one will forget the day the seven-year-old girl walked in and tamed the great dragon, seven years ago.

“STOP!” She screamed. Everyone, including the dragon, did not move. She slowly walked to the silver dragon, “Please don’t hurt them. I came all the way up here so I could train with them.” She whispered to him; the dragon was indeed a male.

The dragon nodded and replied in her native tongue, “I will, I will because of your bravery young princess.”

He then crouched down, from his upright position on his two hind legs, to her level, “Come here child of fire and earth.” She walked forward. He pulled one of his brilliant scales out and dropped it in front of her, “Pick up the scale.” She did. “Put it under the new wound.” She held up the pure silver scale below where it once was. Three drops of blood dropped and sizzled on the scale. “Drink.” She did. A burning sensation filled her. She screamed. “Do not worry it will pass.” Slowly the feeling died away. “You now are one of us. Good luck fire princess.” The girl blinked, the dragon was not speaking in her tongue but his. The dragon chuckled and flew off.

She kicks off and hovers, “Good bye my friends. I will return when this is all over.”

The elders come forward, “We wish you to have this.” The head elder hands her the black mystical infinite space backpack.

“I can’t take this. It is the-“

“We insist. It has supplies, clothes, the dragon’s scale, and the sword of Chang Fong.”

Humbly she takes the black silk bag and slips it onto her shoulders. Turning her face to the clouds she shoots off on the fast broom.

She does not fly for long. In five minutes she is flying along the coast of India. Soon she spots a boat, a boat that will bring her to Africa. Quickly she sets down; she does not put the broom away.

          “Hey! Witch!” A man in a black robe calls from behind her.

“Death-eater.” She mumbles. She turns to the speaker, putting on an innocent face, “I am sorry sir, I do not know what you speak of. Do you intend on insulting me?”

            “Good luck on that. We know who you are.”

“We?” Five more men appear. “Oh.”

           “Give up now Calia Mirth Faychild. You are outnumbered.”

            “Never!” Calia pulls out her wand and sets her broom against the wall. The intricate, powerful wand is eleven inches, same wood as the broom, finely carved vines travel from the base to the tip, with unicorn and griffin tails intertwined for the core. “I will fight to the death.”  

            “So be it.” The battle commences. Calia hardly fights back. The five men through curses, she puts up a shield. Yet the men soon overpower her, they are stronger and have more energy for spells. One of the spells hits home, Calia falls back onto the ground clutching her eyes. “Relent Calia, you are no match for us!” The leader cries.

            Calia slowly slides back to the wall of the ally; painfully, she reaches for her broom.

“No! Don’t let her get the broom.” But he spoke to late. Calia uses the last of her strength to lunge and grab her only escape. Swiftly she stands, using the wall for support, she mounts and kicks off.

 As she flies the whistle of spells bombard her. She feels the sting of an arrow curse on her shoulder.

Calia knew she was too weak. I need to get help she thinks. Hurriedly casting a net charm that would catch her if she fell, she puts her wand near her eyes, “Healio.” She mutters. Some of the sheering pain disappears and her vision returns. Quickly she stows her wand in the backpack that now hangs in front of her on the broom. “Now to look for a hospital for my leg.” Calia points her broom to England, her old home.     

 Before long she sees a hospital near a wooded park.

Calia gently floats down to the park. She lands behind a clump of trees, hidden from view of the muggles. She sets the broom against a tree while she roughly bandages herself up, using the clothes she wears. Stowing her flying broom in her infinite space backpack she limps towards the hospital she saw during her flight.

            Everyone stares at the bloody girl. “Mommy? Why is that girl hurt?” A child in a stroller asks his mother. “Shush hunny, it is rude to stare.” She prim lady replies.

 Women and children skirt away, men do not acknowledge her. People walk around Calia whenever possible.

            She drags her right leg painfully behind her. Cradling her left arm Calia walks into the large hospital.  “Oh dear! How….what….can I help you?” The nurse secretary stands at the sight of Calia.

            Her bloodstained hoodie is missing a sleeve, , and torn to shreds. The missing sleeve is tied around Calia’s head, covering her bleeding left eye. What is left of her olive green shirt is tied around her right leg, where a long gash travels from knee to ankle. Her pants hang in shreds, and just below her scratched knees her jeans are missing. The black backpack hangs over her right shoulder as her left shoulder and arm are a mess of blood. Calia’s once ankle length silky, coffee hair is now matted, muddy, bloody soaked and messy, it now reaches her knees. The hair covers her tired, bruised, eyes.

            “Can I have a doctor to stich up my right leg?” Calia sways, and threatens to fall. She would have fallen if not a doctor, tall, muscular, and handsome,  had walked into the waiting room.

He walks over to the hurt girl. His two strong hands softly grab Calia’s upper arms. “Is this my next patient?” When the nurse says nothing to the man he continues, “I thought so, this way miss. We will get you betting in no time.” He leads her to a soft blue room. He gently helps her onto the high hospital bed. “Hello my name is Doctor Ward. Benjamin Drago Ward.”

            “Calia Mirth Fay.” Calia weakly replies.

“How old are you?’

            “Old,” she mumbles,  “I’ll tell you anything you want if you help me.” Calia sways and lands on the pillow numb from exhaustion. Her breathing reduces as she slowly dies. 

            Benjamin promptly checks her pulse, picks her up and disapperates to his country house. He reappears into a large cozy, spare, bed room. In front of the large fireplace is a coffee table and soft comfy chairs scatter about the room. There are shelves full of books, paintings of faraway places, a large oak wardrobe and a long dresser with a mirror above it. On the farthest wall from the door is a long window with a queen size canopy bed underneath. The bed has a midnight blue soft velvet cover with silver dragons embroidered in ornate patterns.

            Benjamin walks quickly to the couch calling, “Missy!” A small house elf appears. “Get me my black wizard doctor’s bag. I have a hurt girl, most likely by dark magic.” The elf nodes and disappears. Benjamin sets Calia on the green couch in front of coffee table.

            The elf returns, “Master? Will she be okay?”

“I do not know.” Benjamin sets to work. With the help of Missy he bandages Calia, heals her wounds, sets her arm, repairs the fractured leg, and draws the dark magic curses off the unfortunate girl.

Calia {Book 1 of The Time-Jumper}Where stories live. Discover now