Chapter Two: New Term, New Mission, Same Goal

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"Headmistress?" I heard a voice softly calling to me as I sat staring down at the open books around me. I looked up to see a second year student, looking at me with such desperation in her eyes.

"What is it, dear?" I asked, turning my full attention to the young, wide-eyed girl standing near the desk I was using. Goodness, I sound like Mum.

"Are we going to have a chance to go to all the fun activities we did last term?" She asked, her tone hopeful.

"Some of the activities will be available this term but last term was different, it was a Triwizard tournament." I explained, softly. "I have tutoring and jolly good times planned for you lot, don't fret. We'll also have a fortnight for a homecoming celebration for all alumni. We'll have quidditch playoffs and some of the more successful activities from last term. If everyone enjoys them, I'll be making them a permanent part of our term schedule." I assured.

"I'd really like that." She gave me a toothy smile, pushing back her wavy auburn hair. "Thanks, Headmistress." She surprised me with a hug. "I met all my mates because of the activities last term. I'd be happy to meet more." She said softly as she pulled away, bouncing off in a flurry of energy. I watched her go with a slight smile until she disappeared around a corner, leaving me in the library.

Usually I would have the books I needed sent to my office, but I used to do my best thinking in the library so I was hoping for a miracle. Ever since we had left the Burrow, after I vowed to save Ginny, I immediately threw myself into searching for the right spell to free her from Liam's influence. With the new term commenced and my classes moving along, every free minute was spent either with my family or reading up on how to help Ginny. I had even insisted on skipping any birthday celebrations when my birthday had come around. Ron had moved Ginny to Hogwarts, into a bedchamber next to his, so that he could keep an eye on her. Keeping her from withering away was a full time job and the house elves had taken to keeping watch of her while the rest of us ran the school.

I felt bad for her. Every time I looked at her, she was just like an empty shell of a person. She continuously stared off into space the times I had seen her, as though her mind and body were different entities. Seeing her made me fight more and more to find the right spell, she was drifting further and further daily. We knew that, if we didn't find the spell soon, there was a chance that we may never see the Ginny we all knew before.

Sighing, I sat back, slumping in my seat. It's got to be in here somewhere, I'm just not looking in the right place. I sighed, stretching and looking back at the books. Closing a large volume, I dropped two books off the side of the desk. With a slight groan, I leaned down to pick it up.

"Alright, Hermione?" Hagrid walked up to me, stopping me from picking up the book. I looked up at him.

"Hello there, Hagrid. I'm doing fine. Just drilling myself to find the right spell to help Ginny." I sat back in my chair, the fallen books forgotten.

"It'll come to yeh, Hermione, just let it. Yeh always find what yeh're looking for when yeh least expect it." He gave me a pat on my shoulder. "I didn't mean to bother yeh. I'll let yeh get back to it. I just saw yeh and thought to say hi."

"Thank, Hagrid. I'm about to head out anyway." I smiled.

"Well, I'll leave yeh to it." He grinned, turning and leaving me with the books.

Sighing, I turned back to the books on the table and took my wand out. With a flick, I sent them all back to their spots. Standing, my foot hit the two books on the floor, reminding me that they were there. For some reason, instead of just using magic or picking them up with them closed, I picked them up and put them on the table, their pages open to the place they had fallen. The pages caught my eye and I began reading. With a gasp, I marked the pages and grabbed up the books, running to Harry's office.

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