Day in the Meadow

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Day in the Meadow

I lay in a bed of grass under a willow tree

on a sunny day with no shoes on

pulling out dry patches of grass

listening to the birds chirping

and Mama birds feeding their babies

I see humming birds and bees getting nectar from flowers

roses, daises, sunflowers, and lilies

I made a bouquet of these colorful flowers

maybe I will give them to my mother

the wind blowing around my hair in all different directions

causing me to no longer see where I am going

I stumble around over my own two feet

I trip over something unknown

I push my hair out of my face

I look down to see a body

his eyes are shut

I poke him in the leg

he isn't moving

he has a stab mark at his side

blood all over his clothes

I look down to see his blood on my hands

whatever will I do?

the birds are no longer singing

the sky is turning grey

the wind is picking up

I think he is dead 

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