
14 3 0

Thou art Strangely doubtful about uzz missuss bein THE best people around-

*gurl, we got history no one could match (why does this remind me of history classes where we  ended up explaining everything?)


So yeh..

(or maybe we're just two stuck up senoras who really need to get a move on from the past because that's what we seem to talk about or think about most of the time on here; and then again life might not have been half as great as we think it was/is, but we could now be hyperbolizing everything because we want to talk of familiar times and of something within our comfort zone- exhibiting questionable psychopathic and stalker like obsessive  tendencies with underlying absence denial and a need to give placebo assurances of each other's existence, while we might be undergoing drastic change.)


we is cool and we knows. 

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