Chapter 4

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Hey. From now on any authors notes will be at the beginning of the story.

Also, the story will mostly be in Jessie's point of view. I may switch it up occasionally just so you can get an idea of what Tony thinks.

Big plans for this story. it's just taking off. If you have any suggestions or constructive feedback on how to improve the story please feel free the tell me.

That's all for now.


Sorry guys, something happened and wattpad didn't publish the whole chapter so hopefully I've fixed it. This should be the full chapter.


I was woken up by the sunlight pouring through my open window. It was warm as it hit my face. I squinted, the sunlight hurting my eyes. I sat up and stretched instantly feeling relief.

I yawned and got up grabbing clothes and stuff for my shower. I forgot to take one last night. I could smell the familiar scent of bacon and eggs cooking downstairs as I walked to the bathroom right across from my room.

I quickly went into the bathroom to take my shower. Once out of the shower I put on a black batman tanktop and black jeans and towel dried my bright red as much as possible before attacking it with the hair dryer. After all the bathroom shit was done I went downstairs to see my mom flipping some bacon in the pan.

I went up behind and hugged her while she cooked. "Morning mom. Smells delicious." I spun around and stole a piece of already cooked bacon off of the plate she had set out. "Hands off girly." She said playfully. I grinned and turned to a tired Micheal and ruffled his hair. "And how's my favorite brother doing this morning?" He groaned and then yawned laying his head against my stomach earning a chuckle from me. "Me too buddy. Me too."

I helped mom make the plates and set them at the table waking Mikey. "Breakfast Mikey!" He woke with a start a smile on his face and began eating.

"Oh Yea, mom I'm going to a concert here in town tonight with a friend so don't wait up. I've got a key." She nodded and held up her finger signalling me to wait. "I wanna come!" Mikey chimed in with a mouthful of bacon. "Sorry buddy, you'll be in bed by then, but how about tomorrow I take you out somewhere fun? Is that a deal?" He pouted but then grinned and nodded his head. I laughed he was so easy to please. I turned my attention back to mom who had just finished chewing.

"Concert here in town huh? Well alright. Just be careful out there. And don't come home too late. There's a lo-" She began her speech. "Mom I know. I won't. I'm not a little girl anymore. I'll be careful." I cut her off. Her mouth formed a thin line. I know she means well. She's just worried she'll lose me too. She looked down at her hands and opened her mouth to say something but I spoke before she could.

I took her hands in mine and held them tightly. "You won't lose me. I promise. I plan to be home before 3 but I don't want you waiting up because it may be longer. I'll be OK."

She nodded her head seeming to relax a bit. "I love you Jess." I smiled and she returned it. "I love you too." The rest of breakfast was set in a comfortable silence as we all finished our food.

After breakfast I helped Mikey pack a bag. He was staying over at his friend Caleb's house so I was folding clothes for him to take. "You'll still be here when I get back right?" His small hopeful voice asked. I smiled and ruffled his hair. "Yea, I'll be here." He grinned a toothy grin and squealed. I bent down and kissed his cheek and he giggled before planting a small kiss on my cheek. I smiled and stood up watching him as he ran downstairs laughing, to where mom's car waited. She was going to take him so I could get ready for this concert even though it wasn't going to be until tonight. Just then my phone buzzed.

Hey stranger

It was Tony. I smiled and responded.


Ok so here's the address and time of the convert. When you get here, go around back where you'll see security guards and I'll meet you there. Just text me when you get there.
267 applepine rd. @ 7:00pm

Ok! Cool. I'll be down there.

Can't wait.

Me too.

With that the conversation ended. He was probably busy setting up. I checked the clock. It was only 11:00, so I had a few hours. I decided to take a nap so I was well rested. I set an alarm for 6:00 to wake me up and laid out my clothes for tonight. I got comfy in bed and put on a random movie to fall asleep to. I didn't realize how tired I was until I laid still. It seemed only within seconds that I was fast asleep.


I could hear the music from the street as I approached the building. It was booming as people were lined up out front. My jaw dropped as I scanned the line going almost a whole block. Tony wasn't kidding when he said they had a lot of fans.

I had already texted him when I parked the car about 2 blocks away to avoid any traffic. He responded telling me he'd be waiting.

I went around to the side of the building catching a couple of glares from people before I disappeared around the corner. There wasn't much back here other than dumpsters and security milling about. I walked towards a painted black door with the words backstage stenciled across it in white. I was stopped by a security guy before I could get too far. He was about to say something to me when the backstage door opened slightly drawing the man's attention. Tony appeared through the crack in the door and smiled.

"It's OK. I can take it from here." The security guy nodded and let me pass. I smiled and walked through the door as Tony held it open. "Thanks." I was feeling awkward again. Great. "So I wanted to introduce you to the guys if that's OK?" He asked as he led me through the dark room bustling with activity as people checked sound systems and put finishing touches on everything.

Just the thought of meeting new people had me a nervous wreck. But I agreed anyways. "Yea, that's fine." I held the tags out of habit. They always comforted me in situations like this for some reason.

We walked a few more feet before we came around a curtain revealing 3 more guys messing with instruments. One with brown hair was messing with a guitar, another with long brown hair was messing with a mic checking connection, and the last guy was twirling a set of drumsticks in his hand.

When the guys spotted us the one with long brown hair stopped messing with the mic to say something. "Tony! There you are. We're on in 20. Who's she? Finally find a girl?" I could tell the last one was a joke but my cheeks still burned with embarrassment. Tony laughed. "No. Guys this is Jess. I met her the other day at a music store. She's pretty cool. Jess these are the guys. That idiot over there, is Victor Fuentes but we call him Vic. He's the lead singer." He pointed to the guy who spoke earlier with long brown hair. Next he pointed to the guy messing with the guitar. "That's Jaime Preciado. He's the bassist. And that is Mike Fuentes. He's our drummer and Vic's little brother." Finally pointing to the guy with the drumsticks-Mike- before finishing his sentence.

I gave a halfhearted awkward wave and smiled. "Hey." My whole fave burned from embarrassment of how awkward I was being. The bass- Jaime jumped up and came up putting an arm around me. I tensed up. "A new friend! It's about time you found one Tony!" Jaime laughed before Tony put him in a head lock. I laughed at the 2 boys and the whole exchange. Vic walked up to my side. "Don't worry. It's always like this. But at least he's found someone to make him happy." I turned to him my face getting even hotter if that were possible. "O-oh no. I'm not-...we're not- there's noth-" I was stumbling over my words trying to explain. God I was so awkward. He laughed. "Don't worry about it. It's cool." He walked off leaving me to wonder what the hell just happened. I stood there in shock. But I couldn't help but smile at what Vic said.

"But at least he's found someone to make him happy."

I couldn't help the smile that formed there. I couldn't deny it now. I was sure now.

I was developing a crush on Tony.

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