Chapter 2

191 6 3

felixsandman added oscarenestad to the chat

felixsandman: oscaaar

felixsandman: I was just kidding

felixsandman: don't be a bitch

oscarenestad: ...

oscarenestad left the chat

felixsandman: ughhh

felixsandman added oscarenestad to the chat

felixsandman: STOP IT

felixsandman: IT'S NOT FUN

oscarenestad: you're right, it's really funny actually

felixsandman left the chat

oscarenestad added felixsandman to the chat

oscarenestad: what are we even doing?

felixsandman: ask yourself, I just did what you did

oscarenestad: you mad bruh?

felixsandman: -.-

oscarenestad: how I wish we were in the same room at the moment, I would love to see how aggressive you are now xD

felixsandman left the chat

oscarenestad: oh boy, drama queen


drama llama

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