T H R O A M (ryden)

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So has anyone heard of TROAM (the heart rate of a mouse)? No? Well, it's a ryden fic that takes place in the 70s. It's also half a million words. I also own three paperbacks of it.

Anyyywayyy throam has some v v cool scenes, so I attempted to draw one of them. I am NOT DONE YET so if some of it makes u wanna hurl, just remember that I'm still working on this. Kapish? Good.

(okay so this is a drawing of the time in throam when Brendon's friend Ian takes to much drugs one night so he has to crash on Ryan couch, thereby forcing Ryan and Brendon to talk to each other.)

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I'll probs post the final product when or if it gets done :)

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I'll probs post the final product when or if it gets done :)

update: made some progress. added some shadows to the couch. and then i had to close the program bc i had to write a test on the computer... so idk if i'm going to finish it. i think i will, at least i hope i will. i hate not finishing things.

also i had no idea how to draw those shadows or what colors to use

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also i had no idea how to draw those shadows or what colors to use. i can barely use the most basic functions of a v v simple art program. i should learn how everything works .... but... eh, that takes effort and time and M O T I V A T I O N which i have slim to none of :/

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