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It was soon lunch time Mackenzie was sitting with Cara in the canteen, Lauren, Madi and Courtney were sitting down at a table Michael, Tom , Linda and Sian were across the room.

 Mackenzie evil eyes Courtney from across the room .

" Why the hell does Mackenzie keep staring at me it is starting to get on my nerves . What has she got against me I did nothing wrong " Courtney said getting annoyed .

Mackenzie gets up out of her chair and makes her way over to to where Courtney is sitting .

" Your so annoying , I actually hate you" Mackenzie says and slaps Courtney across the face when she turns around to see what Mackenzie wanted .

" What the hell did I do , I did nothing wrong your the one who's been acting weird " Courtney said with a annoyed tone .

Mackenzie then grabs Courtney and starts punching and kicking her . Madi, Cara and Lauren all try to get Mackenzie to stop but she refuses .

Soon after Mackenzie grabs a knife and when Courtney goes to say to Mackenzie that she's sorry if she did anything wrong and that she loves Mackenzie no matter what happens . Mackenzie grabbed the knife and stabbed Courtney in the stomach .

Mackenzie tries to make a run for it , but everyone had seen what had happened and even the teachers had turned around . Tom and Michael grabbed Mackenzie and toke her away to the Cooler till they knew the situation .

Sian and Linda run over to Courtney .

"Courtney , what happened " Sian said worried

"She .. stabbed .. me " Courtney said while trying to breathe .

" Oh my god Courtney , someone call 999 " Sian shouted

"Mum it will be okay " Courtney says

" Courtney stay strong help is on the way " Sian cries

Courtney takes one last breathe and then collapses .

Courtney is rushed into hospital in critical condition .

Mackenzie is arrested and held by the police in Jail .

life of a child whos parents are teachers at Waterloo RoadOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant