Chapter 2

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3rd P.O.V

Glancing at the clock every now and then, Sang kept reading until it was a little bit before five o'clock. Getting up and moving her dresser from over the entrance, to it's rightful place where the sloping ceiling hit the floor. She mentally prepared myself to go down there and cook dinner. Tonight it would be a cream of chicken and rice dish. Mother had mentioned it recently so Sang figured it would make a good dinner. She climbs down the ladder, trying not to make too much noise as she did so.

Folding the ladder slowly, Sang put the ladder back up. Padding along the edge of the hallway until she reaches the living room. Glancing around and seeing no one sitting in the, Sang lets out a quiet sigh in relief. Hearing Mothers loud snoring from her room, she walks into the kitchen and begins pulling out ingredients. Turning the oven on to preheat first, Sang begins cutting up the chicken.

~timeskip till dinner is almost done~

Sang turns the timer off when there is 30 seconds left. Grabbing potholders first, she opens the oven and carefully pulls out the dish. Setting it on top of the stove, Sang turns the oven off. She takes out 3 bowls and 3 forks from the cabinets and drawers. Very aware of the fact she will get in trouble if she eats when they do, she decides not to risk it today. Choosing instead to take a walk in the woods and see if she can find her bag. Sang puts on her worn out tennis shoes and heads out the back door to their unenclosed yard.

Deciding to start looking near the lagoon, she takes a shortcut through a meadow to get there. Keeping alert she listens to see if there are any people or large animals around. Sang decides to move farther from the river and begins walking through the dense ground-cover. After walking for around half an hour, she spots the wrapper from the saltines that were in her bag. Looking around the area she doesn't see anything else. Just as she's about to turn she hears it.

 She hears a whimpering sound. It sounds like an injured animal but something is off about it. She decides to follow the noise and is shocked by what she finds. Crumpled against a nearby tree is a human that looks to be the same age as her, bleeding. Completely covered in scratches and covered in what looks to be dried blood. With long tangled hair that covers most of their face and an extremely malnourished body, she can't tell what gender they are. When the figure shifts she can see that they have been shot in the leg and it looks infected. Sang gasps at the sight of the wound. Their head shoots up at the sound, growling quietly. She tries to get closer but, they sprint off deeper into the woods leaving behind a small puddle of blood.

 A few seconds later she can hear an unnatural howl from the direction the took off in. Realizing how late it is getting she is at war with whether to chase after them or go home to spare herself the pain. Deciding to head home and come back again as soon as she can risk it again. Taking off into the growing darkness, she heads home with that promise in her head.  

((AN:Yes it's short but it felt right to stop this one here. What do you think?))

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