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A/N: OMGGGG!!1! Thank Tara 4 beng mah frend n letting me help her wif her story!!!!! Chek it out, its cald My Immortal. BENG DEPRESD ROKS!!!!!!

Hey. Itz Willow. Willow Mid'night Mystery Ebony Iero. Im abot 2 tel u da story of my lif. More spesifikally my life in Hogwats. If u r reding this u prolly r goffik.

I have waist-length black hair with pink streaks in it and I have grassy green eyes like the scales of a green snake. People tell me I kinda look lik my friend Ebony (A/N: if u dont know who she is den get da hell out.) I am 17 attening my 7th year at my magic skool, Hogwarts. I am a vampire and I am goffik.

I woke up 1 morning to teh sound of rain. I liked rain it good. I got out of bed and I sliped out of my Good Charlotte t-shirt and got dressed. I put on a black corset witha blak spiky miniskirt, crimson fish nets and black army boots with the word "vampire written on them. Be4 I left the room I looked over at Ebonys coffin. I was black and the inside was hot pink with black lace at the end. I was always slightly jelly of her. I walked out of the Slytherin commons room and bumped into... Draco Malfoy.

"H-hey Draco." I sad shyly.

"Hi Willow right?" He said. I nodded.

After a shot coversation I lef to go 2 da grate hall.

A/N: Is it gud? Plz tell meh!!!

Immortal BloodDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora