Worth 4/27/17

21 3 1

Are they worth your tears and fears?

Are they worth the pain that you do to your self
every single day?

They say it's so stupid....
Your Mother
They all say it

We all have to conquer our battles
To figure out our worth

But now and then
We just fall to our knees

The weight of the world on your
So heavy to bare that not even
Atlas can hold it

To be what you can't be


Our worth seems to be deemed by

Our Choices are defined by Judge's
We call our Parents

Good and Bad
Your love is Wrong
Your a Girl not a Boy
A boy not a girl

Why must our worth and values
Be picked apart

When we all are the same in a unique way

Your worth to me is what you
Deem it to be

Are they worth your tears and fears?

Are they worth the pain that you do to your self
every single day?

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