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If youre going to fall in love with me here are somethings you should know before hand. I cry often whether it's during a movie, a sad song on the radio,or a regular Sunday morning. I'll cry even when I speak if things that hurt me even tho they don't hurt anymore. I am afraid of being left. And I am afraid of not being good enough. I will tell you the ways why I hate myself, and not believing a single word you say when, you disagree with each and every reason. You can tell me you love me countess times, but I will still be afraid of you leaving me. Don't blame yourself. I have to expect the worst because I always get the worst... When I fall in love with you , I will love each scares you have, the way u say my name, I can be difficult to love,but for me loving you be so easy, all I ask for is that you don't give up on me and in return I won't give up on you

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