{No. 19}

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What's wrong with society?
Society's definition of "beautiful" is
Having a flat stomach, big boobs, big
Butt, long hair and tan sexy skin.
Because of this teenagers
Don't think their good enough anymore.
They don't think they are being
Accepted. 10 year old think
Their fat. 11 year olds cut. 12 year
Olds stop eating. 13 year olds wake
Up in the morning and stare at
Themselves in the mirror; pointing
Out every little imperfection. Society
Is aslo teaching girls at a young age
To wear mini skirts, short shorts, and
Belly shirts- which is now leading to
sexual activity. 10 year olds being
Pressured into having a boyfriend. 11
Years olds making out. 12 year olds
Giving head. 13 year olds aren't
Virgins, and leading them to
Becoming an emotional wreck.
Society is killing the teenager.

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