Room Mates

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(Picture above is what Nikki is looking like to author-chan. You reader-chans can change her however you want to fit your wants. No hate plz.)

Rodrick's pov.

"Okay, mom, I got it. I'm not a kid anymore, I'm in college. You don't have to baby me. . . I love you, too. Bye."

Ending the boring and nagging phone call with my mom, I now focus my attention to the building before me: my new dorm building.

The building was co-ed with no true separation of genders. I've found out from some guys I met while moving into my room that there isn't a curfew, either, so we can be out all we want.

"Just don't get caught by the cops and you'll be good, freshman." One of the upperclassmen noted then disappeared from my life forever.

When I got into my room, I noticed I was the first one in, so I automatically started claiming my side of the room ans fixing my stuff. When I say I fixed my stuff, I mean I just hung up my clothes then left everything else for a nap. I was too tired from driving and moving my stuff in to care about getting everything out and fixed.


When I finally decided to wake up, I almost freaked out because all of my stuff was organized and fixed, and the other side of the room was fixed up with other stuff, including a (fav. Band) poster on the wall.

I got to say, whoever this is has some good tastes.

Sitting up on my bed, I get on my Pandora and start my playlist, beginning with I Write Sins Not Tragedies by Panic! At The Disco. While the song plays, I decide to take my band posters out of my box and put them up on my side of the room. I might as well, seeing that my room mate is out.

In the middle of my putting up posters, someone knocks on my door, then the door opens to show a (short/medium/tall) girl walk in the room and set a box of band tees on the other bed. Then it hit me; this girl is my room mate.

"I see you're awake now." The silky voice of the girl rang in my head before I nodded to her and finished putting up my posters.

"Well, it seems we are room mates that share similar tastes." She starts taking out t-shirts and hanging them in her closet and while she does that, a certain black tee with white writing catches my attention so I pick it up. My assumption was correct when I saw it.

"So you like Loded Diper, huh?" I asked her while looking over the shirt. It looked home made by the looks of the white lettering on the front. The girl nods at me and smiles. "Yes, I do like them. Listening to their music reminds me of my old band back in high school. We were like Loded Diper but not as good in my opinion."

She continued to watch me for a while before her face started showing signs of surprise.

"What's wrong? Is there something on my face?"

She laughed then reassured me otherwise. "It's not that. I just realized you are one of the members of Loded Diper. I thought you looked familiar, but I didn't want to assume anything. You're the drummer, right? I saw you play at your school's talent show."

As she explained how she knew me, I grew surprised myself at how she knew so much about us from one youtube video. She also told me she played guitar for her old band before she went to college.

I already like being here at college if some of the people here are like her.

"The name's Nikki, by the way."

"Nice name. I'm Rodrick."

Nikki stood from her spot and turned to look at me with an excited look on her face.

"Hey, you want to start a band with me? I got a drum set and a guitar downstairs in the rec room. Got special permission from the dorm manager or whatever to practice in one of the sound-proof rooms."

I think I'm in heaven now.

"How can I refuse that?"

"Alright," Nikki huffed as she hopped down the last step into the practice room, "We can play all we want until 4 am. Most of the time you'll probably be in here by yourself since I have mainly night classes on some days. I'll introduce you to a couple of my friends later when they show up. For now, we can just play around with what we got until we get bored."

I nodded and took my spot with the drums. I was amazed by the set I got to play with, they looked brand new and were dying to be played.

"How did you get these?" I asked, twirling the drumsticks in my hands.

"I worked for them a while back. Took me about a month to buy them, but they were worth it. It's a privelage to have you play them." She smiled at me, picking up a well worn guitar from a case in the corner and strumming it a few times to tune it.

"Do you know how to play some of Loded Diper's songs?"

"Yeah, but lets try to recreate those as our own. We can probably make our own if we tried hard enough." Nikki started strumming some chords and singing to herself.
(Video above)

Oh, well imagine
As I'm pacing the pews in a church corridor
And I can't help but to hear
No, I can't help but to hear an exchanging of words

"What a beautiful wedding
What a beautiful wedding, " says a bridesmaid to a waiter
"And, yes, but what a shame
What a shame the poor groom's bride is a whore."

Then I entered in with the drums as she continued.

I chime in with a
"Haven't you people ever heard of closing a goddamn door?"
No, it's much better to face these kinds of things
With a sense of poise and rationality
I chime in
"Haven't you people ever heard of closing a goddamn door?"
No, it's much better to face these kinds of things
With a sense of

She trailed off after that and continued playing guitar for a while until she picked up again.

I chime in with a
"Haven't you people ever heard of closing a goddamn door?"

She stopped after that with one final chord and I followed with a final chime of the symbol. We looked at each other for a while then laughed.

"I haven't had that good of a practice in forever," I mustered out and leaned back in the chair, my hands behind my head.

"Same here. I haven't played like that since my garage band."

"Well, I can tell we will be playing like that as long as we're up here." And with you, I thought to myself.

Rodrick Went To College? (Rodrick x OC)Where stories live. Discover now