April 28

231 11 4

YESTERDAY when I met him by the water fountain we talked and I'll just describe everything that happened:

I was walking to the waterfall and he was standing next to it with something in his hand he was hiding behind his back, he wasn't smiling tho he looked serious like something was going on.

I walked up to him and hugged him, "Hey what's up?" I smiled and sat down.

He sits down, "We can't be here."

Then I knew it had to be about me being a mermaid and all.

After we both got to the island and in the cave he finally smiled and I couldn't help but smile also.

"What?" I laugh

He pulled something from his back pocket, "I have something for you!"

I opened the small box and he gave me a small necklace that says "My prince" the other side said "my mermaid" I yelp in laughter and hug him. "How did you find these?!"

He smiled and took the piece that said, "My Mermaid."

So that's what happened

Now we are going to go bowling tonight and party at his friends birthday!!

Gtg Sterling!!

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