Chapter 3

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Define excitement; /Ik's^itmenT/ a feeling of great enthusiasm and eagerness.

I had just got back into my apartment at 1pm after taking my phone to get its screen fixed, the person there told me it would take a few hours so i decided to come back home for a while because there was nothing else i needed to be in town for.

My apartment isn't really anything out of the ordinary, the main room is just a room with a couch, a TV, a dining table and in the far corner I have my kitchen. One of the things I like about this apartment is that there are only walls between my bedroom and bathroom so my dining room, kitchen and living room are kind of like one huge room I guess. My bedroom is an average size, a double bed placed in the centre of the back wall and my dresser is standing opposite. There are multiple posters scattered around my room, most of them are neck deep, green day, the 1975, state champs, panic at the disco, mayday parade and lots of other bands. My favourite thing about my bedroom would have to be my cheeseburger beanbag, it's pretty self-explanatory really.

I had another couple of hours until I could go to pick up my phone so I decided to put my gym clothes on, get my iPod and go for a jog. I hadn't really been out much whilst I've been living here unless I needed to go to the shop or for work or university so I decided to have a little look around.

I had been jogging for around half an hour when I realized I had no idea where i was. I was trying to find my way back but I honestly had no clue where I was, I was going to find a payphone and get Jonah to come pick me up when a car identical to the one Calum and his friend had pulled up beside me, however it wasn't Calum who rolled the window down, it was Luke.

"You look a little lost love, need a lift?" Luke said, a small smirk playing on his lips obviously amused at the lost girl standing in front of him. I was pretty embarrassed that he knew I was lost, and the fact that I'm probably sweaty from jogging didn't really help. I walked to the passenger door to get in when Luke jumped out of the car and opened the door for me waiting for me to get in so he could shut it afterwards.

"What were you doing in this area anyway? It's not a good place to be hanging around alone you know?" Luke said concern evident in his voice.

"I was just going on a jog and I wanted to have a look around town, sorry" as soon as the last part slipped out of my lips I wanted to smack myself in the face. Why did I apologies? He didn't care. Luke chuckled.

"Yeah well, you should be" Luke said sarcastically. "Do you want me to drop you back off at your apartment? I think I remember where it is" Luke asked me with his eyes straight ahead of him on the road.

"Well I was going to pick my phone up from town; I had to get the screen mended. But I don't mind being dropped off home, I could do with getting changed" I giggled, I was starting to feel more comfortable around Luke, maybe it's just because when he's not looking at me I don't feel as though he is judging my flaws.

"I'll drop you off at the shop and then I'll bring you back home" Luke said and then everything in the car was silent. It wasn't an awkward silent but it was certainly an uncomfortable one. Lukes phone started ringing in his pocket, at first I was shocked that he was going to answer the phone whilst he was driving then I remembered what kind of boy he was, he didn't care if it was illegal, I'm sure he'd done much worse.

"What? Yes. Ok, fine. I'm fucking busy. Well tell him to stop being a miserable cunt and wait I have things to do. Whatever." I could tell that Luke was getting mad at whoever he was speaking to on the phone by the way his voice got louder and his jaw started to tense, Also the fact that his knuckles where going white around the steering wheel whilst he was on the phone made it obvious too. Luke got to a red light and turned to face me.

"Sorry about that babe, my friends wanted to borrow my car.. as usual." Luke said to me with a small smile.

"Who are your friends?" I asked without thinking, I don't know why I asked anyway I don't really know anyone from this area.

"Uhm, well that was Michael Clifford on the phone, you will have seen him around, he's always dying his hair different colours, and he was with Calum Hood who you might have seen around campus a few times, they're usually together." he explained to me, eyes still fixed on the road.

"Wait, didn't you and Calum have a fight the other day?" I asked suddenly getting confused at the fact Luke is calling Calum his friend although that also explains why I saw Calum and Michael in Lukes car at the diner.

"Yeah we did but we're fine now, it was nothing" Luke chuckled slightly towards the end; it must not have been a big deal to him.


After Luke took me to pick my phone up he drove me home and told me he was going to meet his friends but there was a 'wicked' party tomorrow night at the frat house a friend of his lived at and invited me to come.

When I got home I showered, changed my clothes and called Jonah to come over to tell him about Luke and how he invited me to the party so I could ask him if he wanted to join me.

It was 10pm, Jonah and I were on our 7th episode of American horror story when I got a text from an unknown number.

Hey Lia, so are you coming to the party tomorrow night?

I realized it was Luke and saved him to my contacts and text him back after.

Yeah what time? Text me the address

Five minutes later Luke sent me the address and I told him that I would be bringing Jonah along and he replied saying that it would be fine. I told Jonah the details and he left shortly after 11pm and I figured I would go to bed because there was nothing else to do. Just as I got into bed I heard my phone vibrate on my bedside table, I reached across and unlocked my phone to see a text from Luke

Goodnight beautiful x


big thanks to @Little_mex3 for her cover art she made for me, i put the photo on this chapter go check it out :)

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